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Community and Santri Support Covid-19 Vaccination


By: Alfisyah Dianasasri) *

After experiencing a series of trials up to several stages. The vaccine, which is predicted to be a weapon against COVID-19, has officially received the Halal label! Then, the government invited all elements of society to get involved.

After going through a period of clinical trials with several stages. The flagship vaccine that is echoed will be a weapon against COVID-19. Official release with various legalities that accompany it. Including from BPOM as well as MUI.

This vaccine with the name Sinovac comes from the Bamboo Curtain country. Which clinical trial also cooperates with the brand from PT Bio Farma. Vaccines with efficacy rates of up to 65.3 percent have also been tested in several countries. Some have even used it.

Namely, Brazil, Chile to Turkey and in Indonesia, several parties have been injected with the vaccine. It states that vaccines have relatively small to medium side effects. This generally depends on the health condition of each person.

However, in general the use of this vaccine is safe to do. As is being reported, starting January 13, 2021, Sinovac is ready to assist the Indonesian people in strengthening the antibody system. So, it can tackle the spread of the Corona virus or COVID-19.

According to the Barus Panel, who is the General Treasurer of Pro Jokowi’s opinion. If the vaccine program is given, it is a concrete manifestation to protect all Indonesian people. So, he hopes that vaccines will not become a commodity. In addition, residents have the right to get vaccinated for protection against COVID-19.

In line with this, President Jokowi made major steps. Namely, cooperating with the social order from various elements. So that the vaccination program can be implemented successfully without obstacles.
In connection with the issuance of these licenses, the government invites all elements of society to make this vaccination program complete. Even the santripun took part in supporting this resolution.

Do not dismiss hot issues related to vaccines in the air. In a way, it affects the psychology of the residents Starting from a vote of no confidence to accusations of conspiracy. However, this has been well proven by the state apparatus.

Suddenly with the complexity of the clinical trial process that takes a long time. Now, the Sinovac Vaccine is reaping its license, even the level of its halalness is not in doubt. Quoted from several sources, that West Java governor Ridwan Kamil. It has been suggested that he had been injected with the vaccine.

He stated that the vaccine was safe so far. He even had time to say that the vaccine helped him strengthen antibodies. However, he still claims to be supported by a healthy lifestyle, regular exercise and implementing health programs recommended by the government.

Several other parties have also provided support for this vaccination program.
Regardless of the rumors or oblique news, of course, as a good citizen. Must filter various info. Moreover, the progress of this era is often used by irresponsible individuals. For the sake of breaking the harmony and taking advantage of it.

Logically, starting from the expansion of COVID-19 in 2020 to 2021. There are countless steps taken by the government to help the community. Starting from moral support to material. However, there are statements that continue to corner the government.

Yes, everything should be seen from the right perspective. Not only directly justifying without reference or without any evidence as well. Because, this will actually cause a polemic to make things worse.

In the future, there are those who claim that this program is just a cover, or just a tool to reap profits. Even though it can be seen from the performance of the parties related to vaccines. This hard work is of course carried out to protect all Indonesian people from the dangers of the blind, unthinkable, COVID-19 attacks.

Therefore, let’s make peace with ourselves. Positive thinking with great and good intentions that the government will do. After all, everything will turn to ourselves. If Corona can be overcome faster, why wait. Yes, right?

It’s good to quickly clean up, filter all important information. And throw that only makes things worse. We must unite, work together to make this vaccination program a success. Hopefully in the future, COVID-19 can be handled better. Come on, say to be ready to be vaccinated, ready to support the government in carrying out this great mission!

) * The author is a citizen living in Depok

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