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Thousands of employees laid off


Range in 2014 until September 2015

Thousands of employees laid off
Thousands of employees laid off

Choirul Fuadi, Central Kalimantan, CIDISS- During January to September 2015, there are 620 workers carried out the termination of the working relationship or (LAYOFFS) by a number of companies in Kalteng. Most trigger precisely the dispute or disputes of labor.

As in quote kalteng Pos, Friday (16/10/2015) head of Department of labor and Trasmingrasi (Disnakertrans) Rampay, via field of Industrial relations Disnakertrans Kalteng, Kena revealed cases of LAYOFF workers due to conflict issues or disputes disputes with the company.

Meanwhile, head of Industrial relations Mediation Rinaldi said that in disagreement and dispute both sides, Disnakertrans always seeks to resolve by way of negotiations or mediation.

According to him, many LAYOFFS occurred in the mining and plantation sectors. The largest numbers of LAYOFFS happen in last 2014. No fewer than 1.900 workers lay off by the company in the area of Murung Raya Regency, Central Kalimantan Province.

“Because the world coal prices is down, then many companies closed mines and laying off workers, and it happened also in this year,” he said.

On the basis of the global crisis that occurred from last year in the mining sector, many companies are able to reduce hours of work, overtime, allowances, and lying off workers.

“There was a letter from the Center Government, one of the efforts to avoid layoffs, and then there will be many activities that reduced by the company and the settlement of the problem of laid off,” he explained.

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