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The Community Supports Government Assistance for MSMEs during the Pandemic Period


By: Ester Diansari) *
Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs, Teten Masduki said that his party had conducted policy interventions, both from the upstream (supply) and downstream (demand) sides throughout the 2020 apndemic. This policy was carried out in order to accelerate the recovery of MSMEs and Cooperatives from the impact caused by the Covid pandemic. -19.
Survey data from Bank Indonesia recorded that 72.6% of micro, small and medium enterprises were affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. Starting from the decline in sales to capital difficulties and raw material difficulties. On average, MSME products have decreased in turnover, some are even below the truth.
From the upstream side, the stimulus was provided in the form of interest subsidies for KUR, KUR Super Micro and Non KUR, tax incentives, additional working capital for cooperatives through LPDB and Banpres Productive Micro Enterprises (BPUM) in the form of working capital grants of IDR 2.4 million to micro-entrepreneurs so that their business can survive during a pandemic. Meanwhile, to connect the upstream and downstream sides, the government provides assistance and training for MSMEs, as well as improving MSME business processes to connect with the supply chain and transformation to the formal through free legal consultation assistance centers, shopping movements at neighboring stalls, corporatization of farmers, fishermen, farmers and so on. . Meanwhile, from the downstream side, the government opens market access for KUMKM products. Among them, government spending on UMKM products through the UMKM website and Bela procurement with the potential to reach IDR 321 trillion.
Whether you realize it or not, MSMEs are the main driver of the Indonesian economy. This is evidenced by the fact that in 2018 the MSME sector contributed 60.34 percent to domestic products. Meanwhile, as many as 83% of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) felt helped by various assistance programs provided by the government. Moreover, this assistance has entered the National Economic Recovery (PEN) program.
Head of Mandiri Institute Teguh Yudo Wicaksono said that from the survey obtained, 46% of respondents felt that government assistance through PEN was very helpful, 37% of MSMEs felt that government assistance was quite helpful and 17% of respondents felt that it was not helped. If seen, the perception is quite positive, as many as 83% of MSME actors feel helped by the assistance from the government for MSMEs during the Pandemic.
According to Teguh, the government’s steps in providing assistance to MSMEs in the form of credit restructuring, interest subsidies and so on have greatly helped actors survive amid the downturn caused by the pandemic. So, these business actors get a great opportunity to carry out productive activities again after previously being choked up by the Covid-19 Pandemic.
On the other hand, the socialization process carried out by the government has also been carried out very well, this is evidenced by the fact that many MSME actors in various parts of the country can find out about PEN. Thus, many UMKM actors were very enthusiastic about participating in the assistance program published by the government. A survey conducted by the Mandiri Institute stated that as many as 79% of MSME players were aware of the National Economic Recovery program provided to MSMEs. Meanwhile, as many as 21% of MSME actors do not know that there will be assistance from the government.
The survey results certainly prove that the socialization carried out by the government produces good results, because it is able to become the Top of mind for MSME practitioners. Moreover, MSME actors are also one of the government’s focuses in providing assistance, especially to those affected by Covid-19. The good news is that the Micro Business Productive Presidential Assistance Program (BPUM) or what is often called BLT UMKM will be continued by the government in 2021.
The Director General of Budget at the Ministry of Finance Askolani said that the implementation of this program is still being prepared and will start in March 2021. He said, this program is continued to help the business world, especially MSME players in the country so that their business can increase in 2021. This assistance is provided as a form of government efforts in helping MSMEs.
Assistance from the government to MSMEs during the Pandemic Period is of course quite helpful, we hope that the formulation of assistance will later be a stimulus for MSME players to get up and keep running their business.

) * The author is the coordinator of the Tangerang Public Literacy Forum

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