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Derivative Regulations on the Job Creation Law Increase New Job Jobs


By: Yasin) *

The new derivative regulations on the Job Creation Law will open up new jobs. The reason is, in this Perpres it is stated that there is a prohibition on monopolistic practices and unfair business competition. If there is no monopoly, then entrepreneurs can compete fairly and grow together. So that their business is getting bigger and requires a lot of new employees.

The Job Creation Law, which is often referred to as the Universe Sweep Act, has a positive impact on many things in Indonesia. Because in this law, there are dozens of clusters, ranging from investment to forestry. The investment clusters and MSMEs are superior, because they can help entrepreneurs, thanks to the facilities provided by the government.

When entrepreneurs are helped by the government, automatically the employees will also benefit. Because when the bureaucracy is made easy, the business will run smoothly. When the business grows, it needs new employees and opens new jobs as well. So that the number of unemployed will decrease and people’s purchasing power will increase.

Apart from the Job Creation Law, there are also derivative regulations that complement it, making it more detailed and making it easier to implement. There are 44 presidential regulations and government regulations, which have just been promulgated. In the derivative regulations of the Job Creation Law, there is also an article that creates a positive domino effect, so that it will open up new jobs.

In government regulation number 5 of 2021, it is explained about the implementation of risk-based business licensing. So that the business is divided into 3 criteria: high, medium, and low risk. Small and medium-sized enterprises are considered to be at low risk, so they don’t have to deal with HO permits, but only need a business license number (NIB).

NIB can be taken care of online or offline, and can be obtained in just a week. With this convenience, entrepreneurs can legalize their business, and easily get bank credit. Business will be more advanced thanks to additional capital, and automatically reduce unemployment. Because employers need more employees.

In addition to facilitating business licensing, the derivative regulations of the Job Creation Law also strictly prohibit the existence of business monopolies. If in the past there were big businessmen who colluded with unscrupulous people, now they can’t. Because business monopoly is prohibited in Indonesia. So that there will be justice, and entrepreneurs can compete fairly.

If monopoly is abolished, the petty entrepreneurs will be happy. Because they can compete with other entrepreneurs, even though they still have the status of small-class businesses. They can find buyers fairly and are not afraid of market monopolies.

When small and medium enterprises are able to compete and get more advanced, their business will slowly develop. So that the turnover is increasing. Finally, employers need more employees. For example, for the delivery department, cashier, etc. The number of unemployed in Indonesia will decrease accordingly.

Why is the government focused on creating new jobs? Because unemployment is a very serious problem. When many are unemployed, what is the future for the children? The father is frustrated and cannot buy just rice and salted fish, and is confused when he will pay tuition fees and electricity bills.

So great is the effect of a law and government regulation as well as a presidential regulation. The government makes these rules for the welfare of the people. Because the President is aware that so many people are affected during the pandemic. To overcome the effect, the implementation of the Job Creation Law and its derivative regulations must be properly controlled.

Therefore, we are all obliged to support the derivative regulations and the Job Creation Law, because it can have a positive effect on all Indonesian citizens. Unemployment will be saved due to the opening of many new job vacancies, as a positive domino effect of this Law and its derivative regulations.

) * The author is a citizen living in Riau

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