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Supports Prohibition of Use of the FPI Symbol


By: Kurniawan) *

FPI has been declared banned and automatically all attributes and appearance of its logo are strictly prohibited in Indonesia. This prohibition is reasonable, because if it is not prohibited, it is tantamount to letting FPI roam the country. Don’t anyone get bored when the FPI logo is banned, because this mass organization is indeed banned.

FPI is a mass organization that was born after the fall of the New Order, and initially it promised to do good. However, this mass organization turned out to be off the mark and made a mess, by provoking the public to oppose the government, conduct hate speeches , and take various other actions beyond borders. So that the disbandment of FPI was even appreciated by all Indonesian citizens.

The legal basis for the dissolution of FPI is the SKB 6 ministers and the Head of Institutions in Indonesia. Moreover, this mass organization’s license has not been renewed since 2019, so it is automatically declared legally disbanded. Deputy Minister of Law and Human Rights Edward Omar stated that since the SKB was issued, all FPI activities were prohibited throughout Indonesia. In addition, the use of symbols and attributes is strictly prohibited.

This is very reasonable, because automatically when a mass organization disbands, the logo and all attributes, whether in the form of posters, t-shirts, mugs, and other objects bearing the inscription of FPI, are prohibited from being reused. Imagine if it was not prohibited, then it would be tantamount to allowing FPI to live in Indonesia.

The former FPI members are expected to accept this decision and should not be emotional. However, there are those who are angry and think that this prohibition is illegal. In fact, this decision is already valid, because there is a legal umbrella. The government certainly will not issue regulations that have no legal basis, because Indonesia is a democracy.

So, when there are FPI posters, billboards, and stickers that are removed or lowered by the apparatus, they cannot be banned . G. Because they are correct in regulating FPI’s attributes. The authorities should not be blasphemed, because they are only carrying out their duties in maintaining order in this country.

Likewise with shirts and boats bearing the FPI logo. When there were former FPI members who wore them, for example during the Jakarta flood evacuation a while ago, they were immediately reprimanded by the officers. So he must replace it with another shirt and send the boat back with the FPI logo.

The issue of prohibiting the FPI logo does not need to be turned into another issue, for example by considering the government as undemocratic and prohibiting activities, as well as the logo of a mass organization. Because FPI has activities that tend to be negative, for example conducting random sweeping and making hate speech speeches , the automatic automatic must be disbanded. Because it disturbs order and peace in Indonesia.

Ormas like FPI are better off being disbanded and their logos and attributes banned. Because its members are proven to have no sense of nationalism in the chest. When asked about loyalty, democracy and Pancasila, they turned the issue into a khilafiyah, a non-democratic country, etc. If they want to get rid of Pancasila, then they can be categorized as separatists, right?

An organization should have added benefits to its members. Instead of brainwashing its members with seduction there would come a just queen from the caliphate state, etc. It’s all a dream in broad daylight. Indonesia still has to be a democracy and no one has the right to replace it. So that when a mass organization deviates, it must be quickly disbanded.

The prohibition of the FPI logo and attributes is considered reasonable, because the government has disbanded its mass organizations. If an organization dissolves but its logo is allowed to circulate, it is tantamount to allowing its members to flourish and carry out underground movements. Therefore, every FPI attribute must be prohibited and if someone is caught wearing it, the authorities may reprimand.

) * The author is a citizen living in Banten

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