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Fight Hoaxes and Provocative Content about Papua that Hinder Development


By: Halimatussyadiyyah (South Tangerang City Citizen)

Information and hoax news is one of the most dangerous cyber threats. Many irresponsible people spread lies aimed at the public with certain aims and objectives. Likewise with provocative content that ignites many netizens’ emotions. The rise of hoaxes that keep coming, makes people have to be careful in accessing information that is widely spread.

Papua is very vulnerable to fake news and provocative content, because many parties do not appreciate the development carried out by the government. Therefore, the public must keep checking the sources of information that keep coming one after another, so that the accuracy of the news sources can be accounted for.

With hoax content being spread, people must continue to educate themselves so that they are not easily provoked by provocations that spread in cyberspace or directly in the midst of society.

The community needs to realize that the government’s goal in developing Papua is solely for the welfare of the people throughout the Land of Papua. Therefore, development in Papua continues to be developed by the government in order to achieve regional equality throughout Indonesia.

By understanding the good purpose of the government to develop Papua, it can be a barrier to the threat of hoaxes. As a wise society, we are also obliged to join the fight against hoaxes and provocative content around the Papua issue. Even though we are not Papuans, but as our countrymen and countrymen, we are also obliged to succeed in various government policies, such as equitable development and the Special Autonomy program for a better Papua.

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