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Appreciating Indonesia’s Economic Growth During the Covid-19 Pandemic


By: Alfisyah Diansari )*

The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) noted that Indonesia’s economic growth shot to a positive level of up to 7.07 percent in the second quarter of 2021. The public also appreciates this positive growth which shows that the economic recovery is on the right track.

The pandemic hit almost all sectors in Indonesia, especially the economy. But there is good news in the midst of this dire phase, as the country’s financial growth rose 7.07%. We must appreciate this because it shows the seriousness of the government in increasing Indonesia’s economic growth.

What are you most afraid of during a pandemic? Apart from being afraid of the corona virus, people are also afraid of the economic crisis volume 2 and don’t want horrible events like 1998 to repeat themselves. The pandemic has indeed brought negative effects to the economy and this is not only happening in Indonesia, but also throughout the world.

However, there is encouraging news from the economic sector so that we do not have to be upset for a long time. The Central Statistics Agency announced that the Indonesian economy grew by 7.07% during the second quarter of 2021. This is in line with the government’s target of 7% economic growth. When there is an increase then we will survive the terrible recession.

This economic growth should be appreciated because it is inversely proportional to the first quarter of 2021, where it is minus 0.74%. At that time, President Jokowi did not give up, but he was optimistic that in the second quarter it would increase by 7%. So the President’s prediction is correct because there is an increase and it is very encouraging because it can survive the minus number.

Indonesia’s economic growth was also triggered by an increase in export growth, which in the second quarter of 2021 increased by 10.36%. Where countries that trade with Indonesia begin to open their doors to export-import wide and this cooperation is clearly mutually beneficial. So that exports will be smooth and Indonesia’s financial condition will be healthier.

We must also appreciate the government for triggering economic growth, from minus to plus. It is also hoped that in the third quarter and beyond, Indonesia’s economic growth will be even greater so that the country’s financial condition will be healthy again. If the economy is healthy then the people are prosperous and can live a life without complaints.

If the economy grows, it will not fall into a terrible recession, because if there is chaos due to a slump in state finances, it can trigger an economic crisis in volume 2. We must be optimistic that the economy will continue to grow, instead of being depressed and just giving up. The storm will pass, the corona will definitely disappear, and we can live life as usual and be enthusiastic about work.

If the economy grows, the government can repay the state debt and prosper the community, as well as overcome the pandemic with various programs. It is undeniable that programs to overcome the pandemic certainly need money as basic capital. So that the government’s persistence in raising the state’s finances should be commended.

The increase in the economic sector occurred due to several programs made by the government, including in the health sector. Why health? This is because health and the economy are interrelated. If the community is healthy, the economy will automatically be strong, because they are enthusiastic to work.

Imagine if there was no policy to stay at home at the beginning of last year’s pandemic or PPKM level 4 was not extended. Then there will be many who are lying on the ground because of corona and mass deaths will occur. So that the country’s economy can slump, because the focus is on dealing with many seriously ill citizens.

Therefore, we are obliged to appreciate the government because its programs are accurate, so that both in the health sector and the economy both increase. We must be optimistic that this situation will pass and the pandemic can be ended more quickly.

The increase in economic growth in Indonesia must be appreciated because the government has tried hard not to fall into a recession. When the state’s financial condition is healthy, it can be used as capital in dealing with the effects of the pandemic. So that the people will be healthy, strong, and can build the country together.

)* The author is a contributor to the Press Circle and Cikini Students

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