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The Idea Khilafah of the is Rejected in Indonesia


By: Muhammad Yasin

As Indonesian citizens, of course we must agree that the concept of the caliphate which is not in accordance with the agreement of the founders of the nation, which is based on the Pancasila ideology with the motto Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, is different but in one unit. Thus, it is clear that the idea of ​​establishing a caliphate was rejected in Indonesia.

Khilafah is a system of government whose territory is not limited to one country, but many countries in the world, which are under one leadership with the legal basis being Islamic law.

Previously we were enlivened with the film traces of the caliphate in the archipelago, the film explores the caliphate and relates it to the Ottoman Turks. Meanwhile, in Turkey the discourse of the caliphate as propaganda is a minor narrative.

Moreover, the justice and development party led by Erdogan has refused Turkey to revive the Islamic caliphate. In his tweet, Erdogan stated that Turkey is a country that will continue to uphold democracy and secularism based on the constitution. He also made it clear that the conversion of Hagia Sophia into a mosque had nothing to do with the rise of the Islamic caliphate.

Meanwhile, the coordinator of the Gusdurian Network, Alissa Wahid, said that uniforming something that was not in accordance with the agreement to establish the nation was to cancel and dissolve Indonesia. The daughter of former Indonesian President Abdurrahman Wahid said that her father always said that the reason for Indonesia’s existence was because of diversity, because if there is no diversity , Indonesia does not need to exist.

The Indonesian people should be lucky to have Pancasila as the nation’s ideology. Because, Pancasila has united various backgrounds. The differences possessed by each tribe spread across the archipelago are united in the motto Bhineka Tunggal Ika. Therefore, this sense of unity should be maintained until now.

Khatib Aam Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) Executive Board Yahya Cholil Staquf said that organizations that aspire to a caliphate, such as Hizb ut-Tahrir, are no different from the international communist movement that wants a single regime in the world. being imposed on the Islamic world.

On a different occasion, KH Ma’ruf Amin as Vice President, emphasized that Indonesia as a country was formed on the basis of myths or agreements. Each party, both Muslims and others, agreed to make Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution as state foundation.

Previously, the Youth Movement Management (GP) Ansor Pasuruan Regency, East Java insisted Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia or HTI which carries the caliphate ideology and all activities are prohibited in Indonesia.

Brigadier General Pol R Ahmad Nurwakhid as Director of Prevention of BNPT said, as religious people in Indonesia, we are all obliged to obey the agreement in the nation and state in the form of a national consensus, namely Pancasila, Bhineka Tunggal Ika, NKRI, UUD 45 or PBNU.

He said, in the index of potential for radicalism in Indonesia, there are still around 12.2 percent who fall into the category of OTG (People Without Symptoms) who are exposed to radicalism. The indicators are that they are anti-Pancasila and pro-khilafah.

For this reason, Ahmad said, if there are people or groups who promote the caliphate and daula, it is illegal in Indonesia because it is tantamount to violating the national consensus. Moreover, all of the figures who made the agreement that had become the agreement had died.

The former Head of Ops Detachment 88 invited him to interpret monotheism correctly. This is important so that religious people are not easily divided by the politics of fighting between radical groups and the bearers of the caliphate. He believes that if religious people understand monotheism, then the Indonesian nation will be immature from radical understanding

Indonesia was born with the spirit of Bhineka Tunggal Ika, which is different but still one, so that differences must be used as strength in unity. Therefore, the Indonesian people who are religious are obliged to love their homeland and nation.

We need to realize that living in Indonesia means living with the spirit of Bhineka Tunggal Ika. Because Indonesia’s independence was not only fought for by one group but was fought for by the Indonesian people of different ethnicities and religions.

The Khilafah is not only rejected, but the concept has indeed been rejected and is not in accordance with the spirit of democracy that we have maintained until now.

The author is a contributor to the Press Circle and Cikini Students

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