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Hidden Agenda by Foreign Journalists Supporting Separatism in Papua

Valentine Bourrat and Thomas Dandois, French journalists who abuse the visa on visiting Papua
Valentine Bourrat and Thomas Dandois, French journalists who abuse the visa on visiting Papua

By: Andre Zulfikar *)

Papua, CIDISS –Papua separatist movement groups often give untrue statements to the world. They politicize and internationalize the issue of human rights violations and genocide, and considers that Indonesia had occupied illegally Papua region. Whereas the facts that occurred in Papua is the number of acts of violence and terror committed by the separatists to achieve their goals, even endanger the lives of officers and the local community. Historically, West Papua officially became part of the government of the Republic of Indonesia after the holding of the Act of (the Act). Results Act on May 1, 1963 shows the desire of the people of West Irian to join the Homeland. The validity of the Act also recognized the world with the release of UN Resolution 2504 in the UN General Assembly 19 November 1969.

These issues are supported by some foreign journalists and foreign non-governmental organizations (NGO). But the defenses of the implied they have an agenda to raise the issue of human rights to the international community Papua. Working patterns shown by them is to sue the government to open the door for foreign journalists to cover in Papua. It is often used groups of supporters of Papuan independence movement to play issues that discredit the Government of Indonesia. For instance forest fires that occurred in Papua. Freewestpapua.org through the site, they claimed that the forest fires that occurred in West Irian (Papua) is the fault of the government of Indonesia, causing health problems in Papua New Guinea. Government accused of not respect the land and the Papuan people and just wanted to exploit Papua’s natural resources.

Their claim is unfounded and the accused without a clear and accurate facts. Arsonists unclear. But by just looking at satellite imagery that shows the forest fires in some areas of Papua, they directly accused the government did. It is clear that this group really wants to split Papua of Homeland. A statement issued it contains the elements of hate are not objective. Even linked with other problems. [AZ]

*) Junior Researcher in CIDISS

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