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PB ESI is Committed to Upholding Regulations to Protect the Rights and Obligations of the Indonesian Esports Ecosystem


Bali – The efforts of the Indonesian Esports Council (PB ESI) to be able to continue to develop the esports ecosystem in Indonesia, one of which is by upholding regulations, because this is considered very important to be able to protect all the rights and obligations of the Indonesian Esports world.

Head of Law and Legality of PB ESI, Yudistira Adipratama said that the existence of a regulation is indeed very important and is very much needed by PB ESI itself.

The reason is, with clear regulations, the rights and obligations of all Indonesian esports athletes can be guaranteed even in various other aspects.

“Regulations are needed by PB ESI as the main esports organization in Indonesia, not only as an effort to protect the rights and obligations of Indonesian esports athletes, but also cover other aspects such as employment contracts, leagues and tournaments, player membership, refereeing provisions, sponsorship, anti- doping, and many more,” Yudistira said.

Furthermore, according to him, it cannot be denied that the development of the world of Esports is becoming more and more commercially productive.
So for now, esports itself is no longer just a sport.

“I see that Esports is very profitable commercially. It’s not only a sport, but it’s also starting to enter the entertainment business,” said Yudistira.

Therefore, the Head of Law and Legality of PB ESI admitted that the function of regulation cannot be underestimated at all.

“We realize the function of regulation is very essential. We made this regulation to accommodate issues in the field of esports and help athletes deal with the problems,” he said.

Meanwhile, Esports Lawyer from K-Case Lawfirm, Rafi Andiansyah explained that the existence of regulations related to Esports is actually nothing new.

Then he added that all kinds of regulations that have been made have involved a lot of stakeholders with thorough studies.

“Actually, this regulation is not a completely new regulation, but a development from the previous regulations. This regulation has been thoroughly studied and made comprehensively by involving KONI (Indonesian National Sports Committee), Esport communities and clubs, as well as all stakeholders in the field of Esports,” said Rafi.

So far, there are still problems, namely that the people themselves tend to think that regulations will complicate problem solving.

This opinion is slowly starting to change thanks to the hard efforts of PB ESI to provide awareness to the public regarding the importance of regulation.

“Often the regulations are considered complicated by the community because public awareness has not grown. However, since the formation of PB ESI, this awareness has slowly begun to emerge. Of course, this regulation cannot be applied immediately, it needs an assimilation and adjustment process,” explained the Esports Lawyer.

On the same occasion, Special Staff of the PB ESI General Secretariat, Debora Imannuela invited all young people to be able to build a democratic esports ecosystem together.
“For the younger generation, let’s build the Indonesian Esports ecosystem together. Because, like the principle of democracy, these regulations are made from, by, and for the esports ecosystem itself,” he concluded.

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