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Beware of Interest Groups Riding the Demonstration Rejecting the Job Creation Perppu


By : Ananda Prameswari )*

All parties must increase vigilance over the demonstrations that occur, including demonstrations against the Job Creation Perppu. The reason could be that the action was actually ridden by certain groups who only want to advance their ideas and hidden interests. 

In anticipating developments in the dynamics of the global economy which could have a significant impact on the national economy and job creation, the Government issued Government Regulation in Lieu of Law (Perpu) Number 2 of 2022 concerning Job Creation as an anticipatory policy in strengthening domestic economic fundamentals through structural reforms.

The stipulation of the Job Creation Perpu is a constitutional implementation of the President’s attributive powers based on Article 22 of the 1945 Constitution. However, the exercise of this authority is also limited where the Perpu must be submitted to the DPR RI for approval. Thus the subjectivity of the President in enacting a Perppu will be assessed objectively by the DPR RI to be enacted into a Law (UU).

On this occasion, the Coordinating Minister for the Economy Airlangga also said that the Job Creation Perppu provides legal certainty and benefits received by the community, MSMEs, business actors and workers for the implementation of the Job Creation Law, so that these benefits can be continued.

With regard to the implementation of the Constitutional Court’s Decision on the Job Creation Law, the Government together with the DPR RI have implemented the decision, namely the Omnibus method has been regulated in drafting the Law, furthermore improvements have been made to the technical writing errors contained in the Job Creation Law and the Government has also increased meaningful participation (meaningful participation). Since the Job Creation Law came into force, Ministries/Agencies have conducted outreach and public consultations 610 times and 29 times by the Job Creation Socialization Task Force.

According to the Coordinating Minister for the Economy, Airlangga Hartarto, the Government of Indonesia has indeed shown how seriously and continuously conducting outreach, education, consultation, technical guidance and even assistance needed in implementing the Perppu. Creator. 

However, with all the good that will be obtained from the ratification of the Job Creation Perppu, there is still a group of people who want to reject it. Of course, this should be watched out for because it could be that the party that refuses is actually bringing their own interests, but they seem to act on behalf of the people’s interests. 

How could it not be, because demonstrations can actually lead to conflicts and friction which often lead to chaos so that they do not bring any good at all and are not in accordance with the initial content or substance of the rejection of the policy. 

Of course, when this chaotic situation occurs, certain groups can deliberately take advantage of it to further their hidden goals behind the crowd. 

Various forms of resistance to the Job Creation Perppu can be seen to this day spreading across the internet and social media. There are those who criticize in a healthy way, provide constructive suggestions, or even build bughat (disobeying the state) on various information dissemination platforms. 

This is also the concern of the Deputy Director of Postgraduate Program at the Alauddin State Islamic University (UIN) Makassar, Andi Aderus. He said the term bughat means defiance of the state. Both disobedience in the form of narratives or actions against the government, which are considered to actually threaten the stability of the country.

According to him, any attempt to undermine the stability of the country is very dangerous, even more dangerous if it is carried out not in individual conditions, but in a number of large groups and has leaders that are obeyed by its members.

Andi Aderus considers that bad behavior is an act that disturbs the stability of the country, as well as disrupts economic stability, and at the same time the people cannot live in peace. This is what makes the need for early detection of things that lead to wrongdoing.

So, Andi said that conveying input, advice or suggestions to the government can be done by using good methods, not by using narratives that can tear the feelings and brotherhood of fellow countrymen and people.

If indeed there is a policy that is assessed and considered inappropriate by the Government, an evaluation should be carried out and all elements of the nation are able to improve it together according to their respective portions. When you want to criticize, according to him, you have to do it in a good way. 

The existence of plans for demonstrations to reject the Job Creation Perppu must indeed be highlighted and watched out for. The reason is that this action could actually become a covert event for certain groups who carry their own interests and are not at all in accordance with the will of the people. 

)* The author is a Media Room Contributor

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