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Support the Synergy of Security Forces to Realize Order as the Key to Election Success


By: Ahmad Dzul Ilmi Muis)*

The entire community should provide full support for the synergized efforts of the security forces of the TNI, Polri and BIN to be able to create order as one of the keys to the success of organizing the 2024 general election democratic party.

The Coordinating Minister for Politics, Law and Security (Menko Polhukam RI), Mahfud MD emphasized that the democratic party for the Simultaneous General Election (Election) in 2024 has entered the predetermined stages.

He stated that the Government of Indonesia was also ready to synergize and also provide facilities to support the smooth running of the General Election. Furthermore, according to him, synergy is indeed very important so that several parties cannot intervene in each other, but can be solid in their respective positions.

It cannot be denied that with well-established synergy, each party will then have an obligation to be able to strengthen one another, because it is indeed the duty of all stakeholders to be able to strive for the implementation of elections that are timely and on purpose.

It is known that in the coordination meeting (rakor) various kinds of issues regarding the readiness of the 2024 Election have been discussed, both in terms of potential problems that might occur, especially on the political, legal and security side, then identifying provinces with a high level of vulnerability in the holding of elections, then carrying out prepare the budget for election needs, then carry out security planning and anticipate various facilities that must be prepared.

The Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs then hopes that this synergy will ensure that the various stages of the Election can be carried out and run as they should. Not only that, but also being able to anticipate all existing obstacles so that the democratic party can be carried out safely and smoothly.

All elements of the Election organizers really need to work as best as possible in carrying out their duties, powers and obligations at every stage of the 2024 Election, including security elements and concurrent election participants. Not to forget, other elements such as the general public must be able to engage in politics in a more mature, professional and obedient and obedient to the rules that have been enforced.

Meanwhile, the Indonesian National Police (Polri) needs to immediately issue a Potential Election Vulnerability Index. With this index, there will be guidelines in maintaining security and order in society.

To be able to maintain security ahead of holding the 2024 elections, the National Police then uses a strategy called  the Cooling System . According to the Head of the National Police’s Security Maintenance Agency (Kabaharkam), Komjen Pol Arief Sulistyanto, the 2024 election is an event for national political contestation. In that contest, there will be a lot of program promotions, contestants promise to raise various important issues including sensitive issues whose impact can trigger security instability in society.

The existence of these triggers is due to differences in people’s reasoning power, perceptions and interpretations as well as the potential for conflict in all its aspects. Conflicts that have the potential to occur can be latent conflicts or open conflicts. To reduce this, the National Police uses a  Cooling System strategy which has the principles of predictability, responsibility, transparency, thoroughness and neutrality. This principle is realized through the speed in knowing problems, the speed in identifying and analyzing predictions and the speed in solving problems.

On another occasion, the Commander of the TNI, Admiral TNI, Yudo Margono received an audience from the Chairperson of Bawaslu, Rahmat Bagja to request support for his party in the security system for all stages of the simultaneous elections in 2024 and also synchronized data related to monitoring the Fixed Voter List (DPT) of members TNI.

Intelligence and Security Observer, Ngasiman Djoyonegoro revealed that it is indeed very important for the synergy of the TNI and Polri in overseeing the Election as part of the manifestation of sovereign state security and defense institutions. In fact, there is this synergy to establish important pillars that must exist in the five-year democratic party.

Of course, all parties expect that the election can run successfully, collaboratively and also be carried out with full responsibility together for election security among all stakeholders and be able to support each other with high principles of human rights (HAM) in election security.

One of the keys to the success of holding the 2024 election is when the democratic party can run in a safe, orderly and conducive manner. For this reason, the synergy of all security forces starting from the TNI, Polri and BIN is no less important in order to continue to be supported by all elements of society in Indonesia.

)* The author is an alumnus of FISIP Unair 

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