Security Forces Attack KST Papua Nest, Affirm Will Not Back Down For NKRI
The security forces from the joint personnel carried out a siege on the KST Papua nest which the previous Susi Air pilot had known the hostage location for. Of course, all parties emphasized that they would never back down in the name of maintaining the unity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, including from threats such as gangs of separatist groups.
The Indonesian National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, gave the latest update regarding the efforts to free the Susi Air Pilot, namely Philip Mark Mehrtens, who was taken hostage by the Papua Specialist and Terrorist Group (KST). He stated that the security forces already knew the location of the hostage-taking of the New Zealand pilot captain.
After knowing the location of the pilot taking hostage, then the security forces consisting of joint personnel from the Indonesian National Police (Polri), the Indonesian National Army (TNI) and the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) immediately carried out a siege into the KST Papua nest.
In fact, not only was the siege on the location of the Susi Air Pilot hostage point known, but the security forces were also on full alert to be able to carry out the freeing operation smoothly.
It is known that in total, there were 965 joint personnel from the TNI, Polri and BIN who were security forces to be directly involved in the operation to free Pilot Philip Mark Mehrtens.
However, even though they already know where the hostage-taking point is, great appreciation should be given to all security forces because they prefer not to act rashly because in order to prioritize the safety of civil society including the pilot himself, therefore the security and rescue operation done with extra care by considering various things.
Not only trying to save Pilot Susi Air by using the force of security forces deployed directly on the ground, but Indonesia also continues to make many other efforts, including conducting foreign diplomacy with the New Zealand Embassy.
The diplomacy that was woven by Indonesia for the sake of this rescue mission was also carried out for the New Zeakand Atpol, including by cooperating with the Australian Federal and various other figures from abroad. The result of the diplomacy that has been carried out is that all these foreign figures fully support and respect Indonesia’s sovereignty and also strongly condemn the heinous and inhuman actions carried out by KST Papua by taking hostages.
Previously, the TNI Commander, Admiral Yudo Margono, even though his party already knew exactly where the pilot Philip Mark Mehrtens was being held hostage, chose not to act rashly and continued to put forward persuasive efforts.
How could it not be, because of course many parties are also worried that if for example military force or fighting is carried out for the sake of carrying out the rescue mission, then the potential and risk that could occur is that it will actually increase the number of fatalities, including the Susi Air pilot. Alone.
So, logically, the rescue mission that has been attempted so hard so far does not seem to produce optimal results because it actually intends to carry out a rescue mission but instead results in many fatalities and maybe even the life of the pilot himself will be threatened.
For this reason, in this case, the wisdom of the security forces deserves a very high appreciation because they really think through a lot of things in a comprehensive manner and are not in a hurry to immediately launch an armed attack with military force.
Because it is common knowledge that KST Papua itself is a group that has absolutely no sense of humanity, so it is not impossible that they will immediately kill Pilot Susi Air if they receive threats in the form of a military attack from the security forces in the Republic of Indonesia (RI).
In fact, the existence of this action itself carried out by KST Papua also very clearly reflects that in fact their strength is in no way comparable to the strength of the elite troops from the joint personnel security apparatus owned by this nation. It has been proven that the separatist and terrorist groups could have done reckless things to threaten the security forces so as to disrupt the rescue mission.
Then, the scenario that might happen later is when KST Papua has killed pilot Philip Mark Mehrtens, they will immediately talk about it in the media by cornering and blaming the security forces and giving vicious slander, in which it is as if the security forces were the perpetrators.
Of course, even though they continue to put forward persuasive efforts in carrying out the Susi Air Pilot rescue mission, the entire security apparatus themselves will never back down and will never be afraid to fight anyone, especially for the sake of continuing security and conduciveness in the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.
)* The author is a Papuan student living in Gorontalo