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The development of the Archipelago’s IKN Increases Rapidly


By: Mayang Dwi Andaru )*

The development of physical development at IKN Nusantara has increased rapidly. This is very good because it will match the plans made at the beginning. With development according to schedule, the government is optimistic that everything will go smoothly, and IKN will become a capital city that is both sophisticated and environmentally friendly.

The National Capital City (IKN) will be moved from DKI Jakarta to North Penajam Paser, East Kalimantan. Currently, IKN Nusantara is still in the process of being developed and carried out carefully. Various buildings will be built at IKN, especially the Presidential Palace. 

Minister of National Development Planning (PPN) / Head of the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) Suharso Monoarfa stated that the progress of the physical development of the Archipelago Capital City had reached 26 percent or a significant increase from the progress when President Jokowi visited last February.

Minister Suharso continued, when President Jokowi attended IKN Nusantara, the construction was still at 15 percent. Hopefully there is an acceleration. In a sense, within 3 months there was an increase in development of 11%. This figure is very good because the construction is increasing rapidly and according to the schedule set by the government.

The existing developments in the IKN have increased, covering the construction of basic infrastructure such as drinking water, sanitation, roads, government buildings, and housing. Then there is a building for the provision of clean water and a reservoir which will soon be functional.

The government focuses on the construction of important buildings in the IKN which will be needed by the residents later. At the IKN, reservoirs or dams were built with the names: Sepaku Semoi Dam, Samboja Dam, and Batu Lepek Dam.

Carrying an environmentally friendly concept, the National Capital City of the Archipelago will use a water resources network system to meet demand. Therefore a number of dams were built in IKN. 

The plan for the construction of a dam at the National Archipelagic National Park is contained in Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 64 of 2022 concerning the Spatial Planning for the National Capital City of the Archipelago National Strategic Area for 2022-2042. 

Based on Article 54 in the Presidential Decree, the water resources network system that will be built aims to provide and sustain the community’s water needs, water conservation, and soil protection, as well as an effort to control floods.

With the existence of a dam, water will flow to the IKN community so that they can get a source of water that is always there, both in the rainy and dry seasons. These dams will also prevent famine and drought during droughts. Then, the dams also prevent flooding.

IKN will be a capital city that has good irrigation management. People don’t need to be afraid that IKN will be flooded like DKI Jakarta. The government has planned it carefully and made arrangements so that the new capital city of Indonesia will not be hit by floods or droughts.

Meanwhile, IKN Nusantara Authority Deputy Chairperson Dhony Rahajoe stated that apart from government and residential buildings, a number of other facilities and infrastructure will also be built at the IKN, such as educational facilities and health facilities.

Dhony added, to build educational facilities there was also a directive from Mr. President Jokowi to accelerate the construction of schools, both for private and public schools. There will be assistance in order to accelerate the implementation of superior schools that will be in IKN Nusantara.

In the health sector, continued Dhony, President Jokowi emphasized that the IKN should build international scale health facilities. School buildings are available at IKN, including international schools. Among them are Multimedia Nusantara University and Jakarta International School. 

Then, there are also private research institutions, housing, National Hospitals, and so on. One of the hospitals that will be built at IKN is Hermina Hospital. There is also the construction of towers for the residence of ASN, soldiers, and members of the National Police who are residents of IKN (transferred from DKI Jakarta).

One of the buildings built at IKN is a tower for ASN (State Civil Apparatus) housing. Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Basuki Hadimuljono said the housing for ASN (State Civil Apparatus) at IKN Nusantara will be completed by 2024. There are a total of 47 residential towers. Construction will begin in the first half of 2023. 

Basuki continued, the 47 towers were built using the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN). The budget to be allocated for the construction of the project is Rp. 9.4 Trillion.

The development of IKN was realized thanks to the cooperation between the government and investors. Many investors want to join the IKN development project. Therefore, the master plan will continue to be perfected.

In a sense, IKN will encourage increased investment in Indonesia. The city isn’t finished yet but the investors are already lining up to take part in its construction. IKN is the future of Indonesia and a dream city, which is modern and all digital. It is very natural for investors to want to enter the IKN project because it is guaranteed to be profitable.

Development at IKN Nusantara is increasing rapidly. The government is optimistic that IKN will be completed on time and on August 17 2024, the construction of the Presidential Palace will be completed, and will become the venue for the Indonesian Independence Day ceremony. The construction of dams and other buildings will also continue so that they can be completed quickly, and IKN will become a proud capital city for all Indonesian citizens.

)* The author is a contributor to the Main Sadawira Institute

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