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Many countries pin their hopes on the 2023 ASEAN Summit


Jakarta – Director General of Information and Public Diplomacy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Teuku Faizasyah said many countries in the world have high hopes for Indonesia through the holding of the 2023 ASEAN Summit.

“This hope is because Indonesia is a country that has leadership capacity in ASEAN,” said Teuku Faizasyah.

On the agenda of this year’s ASEAN Summit, Indonesia will convey a number of important points, including regarding ASEAN’s future vision which builds the foundation. That way, in 2045 the vision of the countries that are members of the organization will become clearer.

The ASEAN 2023 theme itself is “ASEAN Matters: “Epicentrum of Growth, Chairperson of ASEAN Indonesia 2023”. Referring to that theme, ASEAN wants to ensure that ASEAN is not just a regional organization that plays a role in the region. However, far from that how to push the role to the Indo Pacific.

“This means that without ASEAN’s role, perhaps the international world in the Indo Pacific and Southeast Asia regions would not be what it is now,” said Teuku.

Then it is still related to the ASEAN 2023 theme, this is also related to the Southeast Asian region which acts as a center for global economic growth. In particular, Indonesia, with an economic growth rate of above five percent, also contributes to the Southeast Asian region.

“Apart from laying the foundation, in the future we also want to look at practical or real aspects,” he explained.

As stated by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, he continued, the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF) Forum is trying to evaluate concrete projects in the economic sector related to digital and clean energy that can be implemented in the Southeast Asian region.

In other words, at the 2023 ASEAN Summit Indonesia will not only speak at a strategic level but also at a practical level so that it can be felt by the Indonesian people and the world.

Additional information, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) will preside over 12 meetings during the Association of Southeast Asian Nations Summit (ASEAN Summit) in Jakarta on September 5-7.

Apart from chairing the 43rd ASEAN Summit, both in plenary and review (retreat) format, Jokowi will also lead all meetings with ASEAN partner countries.

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