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April, Rainy Season Time in Kotawaringin Barat Regency


April is estimated to be the peak of the rainy season in Kotawaringin Barat Regency.By: Choirul Fuadi)*

CIDISS – Head of the Agency for meteorology, climatology and Geophysics (BMKG) Pangkalan Bun,  Lukman Soleh said that in April is estimated to be the peak of the rainy season of the year for Kotawaringin Barat Regency. It is characterized by high rainfall measurement indicator scale in the scale of millimeters (mm).

The conclusion is taken based on data the average rainfall occurred in a span of 35 years ago. “To be an indicator of rainfall in April the average obtained value of 319.9 mm. As for April 2016, reached 353.3 mm, “said Lukman as in Bornenoews.co.id

According to him, based on that data, estimated in April this year its value does not very much. To know the scale indicator of precipitation per months are divided into four categories, namely, light, medium, heavy and very heavy.

For rain with light category, scale the indicator shows a value of 1-5 mm/h or 5-20 m/day. As for the category medium shows the amount of 5-10 mm/h or 20-50 mm/day. For categories heavy, the value of the indicator shows the number of 10-20 mm/hour or 50-100 mm/day. As for the category of heavy rain, the value indicator indicates the number of more than 20 mm/hour or more than 100 mm/day.

Thus, these data can be used as a reference by a wide range of parties who conduct work, such as in flight and cruise.

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