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Condemning a Series of KST Papua’s Atrocities, Kill Danramil and Village Heads


The Papuan Separatist and Terrorist Group (KST) continues to carry out a series of atrocities and barbarities, starting from the murder and massacre of the Paniai Military District Commander (Danramil) to this heinous act also targeting the village head in Bumi Cenderawasih.

Of course, there is no best response to this other than strongly condemning all efforts by KST Papua to continue to undermine peace, tranquility and security in the easternmost province in the country.

In just a few weeks, they have intensified many actions, causing Danramil 1703-04/Aradide, Second Lieutenant Infantry (Letda Inf) Octavianus Sogorlay to die and become a national hero. But not only that, KST Papua also killed the village head who was a native Papuan (OAP) himself.

In at least the last two weeks, the separatist gang has launched up to three attacks in Papua. With this series of sadistic actions, they have claimed the lives of civilians and security forces.

Since April 8 2024, namely on Monday at around 10:00 Eastern Indonesian Time (WIT), KST Papua initially opened fire on the Cartenz Peace Operations Task Force Post and the Regional Papua Bank Post (BPD) in Intan Jaya Regency, Papua Middle. As a result of this attack, they also had the heart to kill an innocent boy named Nando Duwitau, 12 years old.

It didn’t just stop there, the terrorist group attack also occurred in Mondusit Village, Serambakon District, Bintang Mountains Regency on the same day, at around 21:05 WIT. In this action, they killed a 45 year old Head of Mondusit Village named Timo Kasipmabin.

Then the last thing that happened some time ago was that KST Papua shot Danramil Oktavianus in the Pasir Putih area, Aradide District, Paniai Regency on Thursday 11 April 2024. This group, which was contrary to the nation’s ideology, shot security officers while they were riding motorbikes.

Commander of Military Resort (Danrem) 032 Wirabraja, Brigadier General of the Indonesian National Army (Brigjen TNI) Rayen Obersyi strongly condemns the cruel and barbaric acts committed by the Separatist and Terrorist Group.

Because of the very barbaric actions of KST Papua, it is appropriate for all parties, including religious leaders, to strongly condemn the attack by the separatist gang because it has really damaged the atmosphere of celebrating Eid al-Fitr 1445 Hijriah so that this incident has seriously damaged the peaceful atmosphere of Eid al-Fitr which the community should be able to spread. the values ​​of kindness, compassion and mutual forgiveness.

All security forces in Papua, all elements of society fully support and are on the side of the authorities. Residents pray that the security guard will run smoothly and remain enthusiastic in order to carry out the mandate given by the state to the soldiers on the front line in defending the entire territory of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI).

The spirit of being willing to sacrifice for the sake of serving Mother Earth has so far continued to be proven by the security forces, including how, emulating the figure of Danramil 1703-04/Aradide, Lt. Inf Oktavianus Sogorlay should be able to motivate other officers to always do the best for the nation and state, even though lives are at stake.

Meanwhile, Member of Commission I of the People’s Representative Council of the Republic of Indonesia (DPR RI), Christina Aryani also deeply regrets and strongly condemns the murders and series of barbarities of KST Papua.

Violence in Papua has recently increased due to the actions of terrorist groups, this time from civil society and security forces, even children in Bumi Cenderawasih have also become victims.

Therefore, the security forces clearly have to act very firmly to thoroughly investigate all cases carried out by KST Papua. Because if strict legal action is not taken immediately, then the violence that befell civilians and even the security guard might cause even greater social unrest.

Don’t let this country be considered weak in the face of small groups who continue to try to undermine the unity and unity of the Republic of Indonesia. They have always been very brutal in wanting to show their existence.

In the past two weeks alone, KST Papua’s barbaric actions have resulted in several fatalities, and it is clear that they have the potential to create extraordinary terror and fear for other community groups. It could even be that the conflict situation on Earth of Cenderawasih with the ever-increasing escalation of violence is beyond the limits of human reason. Strongly condemning the entire series of KST Papua’s barbarities and atrocities in just the last few years alone has resulted in more than one fatality. One of them is the figure of a national hero who died at their hands, namely Danramil Paniai and civil society who served as village heads and even a child who was completely innocent. All these actions clearly must be tried strictly by law and punished severely, because they are considered to violate human rights (HAM).

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