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Local Government Clinics in Inland Central Kalimantan Have Not General Practitioner

Local Government Clinics in Bogam, regency of Kotawaringin Barat, Central Kalimantan, achieved title as clinics perform of Central Kalimantan province level year 2014 with the category of remote health centers.
Local Government Clinics in Bogam, regency of Kotawaringin Barat, Central Kalimantan, achieved title as clinics perform of Central Kalimantan province level year 2014 with the category of remote health centers.

By: Choirul Fuadi)*

CIDISS – As many as 23 Local Government Clinics scattered in 13 regencies and 1 city already does not have a general practitioner. This is due to the lack of budget allocation of health services (Health Office) Central Kalimantan in Budgets (APD) Central Kalimantan 2016.

Then the impact to public health services, particularly in the area of inland Kalteng. This condition affects the increasing maternal and child mortality in the region Kalteng.

As many as 23 clinics that are currently not have general practitioner in some scattered districts, among others, Kotawaringin Timur, Kapuas, Barito Selatan, Murung Raya, Pulang Pisau, Gunung Mas, Lamandau, Katingan, Seruyan, Barito Utara and Kotawarungin Barat.

The head of the Health Office Central Kalimantan, dr Budi Suprastija, as quoted in Kalteng prokal.co, mention that no budget funds. “it is caused when the doctor who has exhausted the period of its work, and then he moved on. On the other hand, there’s no budget, “said him.

The difficulties experienced by the Department for the provision of doctors and midwives due to lack of budget allocation. The budget requirements for the procurement year 2016, 23 doctors for 23 clinics have still no doctors, reached IDR 1.5 billion.

“While this year we just get IDR 414,56 million budget allocation which is only sufficient for the procurement of 4 general practitioner,” he said

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