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The government is committed to developing Papuan human resources to welcome a golden Indonesia 2045


 By : Alfon Nawipa Nulu )*

The government is very strongly committed to being able to bring the next generation of young people from Papua to be able to work together to welcome a Golden Indonesia in 2045 with the existence of a human resource (HR) development program.

The government continues to intensify the development of Papuan human resources. Of course, this human resource development program is very important because it is an effort to make young people from the area nicknamed Bumi Cenderawasih into a generation of high quality and competitiveness so that they are able to contribute actively in realizing development in their own region, as well as having an impact on progress. nation.

The reason is, if we want to realize the nation’s progress, we really need human resources who are highly competent and ready to compete even on the international stage.

Therefore, the government is very strongly committed to carrying out various kinds of human resource development programs, especially for the young generation in Papua so that they can also participate in welcoming a Golden Indonesia in 2045.

In fact, all the people from the area nicknamed Little Heaven that Fell to Earth continue to hope for the continuation of the various good programs that have been implemented so far, especially during the period of the administration of Indonesian President Joko Widodo because he continues to be in contact, even directly, with the local community in order to realize development. HR.

One of the teachers and parents of an ADiK scholarship recipient, admitted that he really felt the benefits of the affirmation scholarship program that the government provided to his child. He felt very grateful for the assistance from the government for his daughter so she could receive a high level education.

The community really hopes that the government’s scholarship program will be able to continue, thereby providing assistance to Papuan children so that they can continue to compete in the world of work.

Not only that, but there is also the Dana Indonesiana government program through the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) which is able to have an impact on the creative and cultural community in Jayapura.

In 2023, the total recipients of the Indonesiana Fund reached 209 people or groups spread across various provinces in the country. Then specifically for the Papua region, there were 5 proposals that passed from Jayapura City, one of the recipients of which was the creative community of young Papuans, the Indonesia Art Movement.

President of the Indonesian Art Movement, Ilham Murda, said that his community was greatly helped by the existence of the Indonesiana Fund. According to him, through these funds, now the space for initiatives in the field of arts and culture can further develop in Jayapura City, one of which is useful for providing training in arts, culture, work production and distribution of works.

Until now, this creative movement or community has been able to continue running, thanks in part to the real contribution from the Government, which provides support to the people of Jayapura to take an active role in developing their region in their own way, namely through arts and culture.

Meanwhile, Expert Staff for Deputy V of the Presidential Staff Office, Theofransus Litaay, emphasized that meeting the needs of future generations of the nation must proceed holistically and integratively, whether from the Central Government or also from the local Regional Government (Pemda).

In the era of President Joko Widodo’s leadership for two periods or ten years, discussions regarding Papua’s development in the fields of human resources and infrastructure were not only in the form of policies, but were also implemented optimally.

In fact, the main development lies in human development, which actually has its own challenges. Therefore, active participation from the entire community is very determining and has an important role.

The existence of massive human resource development in Bumi Cenderawasih during President Jokowi’s leadership is also  a legacy  that is not only representative, but also has a very significant impact on various aspects of life of the Papuan people.

Some of the real impacts of development in Papua since the reign of President Joko Widodo are in the infrastructure sector such as the Papua PON, then there is also the Youtefa Bridge, and the Indonesia-Papua New Guinea Border Crossing Post.

In this case, the Government is very aware that development in Bumi Cenderawasih must be able to directly touch the local community, therefore all parties are jointly responsible to continue to encourage it, including the Regional Government, so that local residents are able to feel the real impact of development.

All of these things are real commitments and concrete manifestations of development by the Government in Bumi Cenderawasih, be it infrastructure development or human resource development, especially the young generation of Papua so that they are able to jointly welcome a Golden Indonesia in 2045.

)* The author is a Papuan student living in Bali

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