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It is important that there is a joint commitment of all parties to a credible and dignified Pilkada 2024


By: Gavin Asadit)*

It is very important that there is a joint commitment by all parties to work together so that the implementation of the Election of the Head of the District (Pilkada) 2024 can run with full values that are credible and also capable of dignity.

Because with the credibility and dignity of the regional level democratic party, Pilkada 2024, it is not impossible to give birth to the successors of high integrity regional leaders.

Therefore, the existence of a credible and also dignified 2024 Pilkada will not be perfectly realized without the full support and strong joint commitment of all sides. So it’s very important to have coordination and synergy together.

As one example of how strong commitment awakened from various levels, including the Local Government (Pemda), when Bupati Bulukumba Sulkawesi South (Sulsel) Andi Muchtar Ali Yusuf called on all parties to build each other seriousness together in succeeding the title of political contestation at the regional level.

To the success of Pilkada 2024, it clearly requires a very strong commitment to conducting politics in a peaceful, secure and peaceful manner, as well as continued appreciation of differences in choices amongst the people.

The election of the head of district itself is an opportunity to find and determine who will be the next head of the district for the next five years. So the main thing to be a firm grip is to continue to strengthen the sense of unity and unity as well as brotherhood amongst society even though there are differences of choice.

Whatever the form of the choice in the 2024 Pilkada, the entire society in Indonesia remains brothers with each other, so that there is no interdependence or humiliation among citizens.

For political parties (parpol), even if there are differences in proposals, they should be able to respect each other and maintain their political ethics in socializing. Because self-discrepancy is really a problem, especially in a democracy-based country, so political differences are common and common.

Furthermore, all elements of society should be able to participate actively in providing education on how important it is to channel their voting rights, so that each individual can have a common sense of duty and responsibility in increasing voter participation, which is not just a burden on the technical organizers of elections.

It is the duty of all the elements to jointly monitor the successful implementation of the Election of the Head of District 2024 and invite the public to come directly to the Vote Point (TPS) to channel their voting rights.

Meanwhile, the City Government (Pemkot) of the administration of South Jakarta (Jaksel) is working with the security apparatus to a conducive and credible 2024 Pilkada. According to the Deputy Mayor of Jaksel, Edi Sumantri, there needs to be a joint commitment of all to a dignified election of the District Chief.

From the preparation process, the campaign, the implementation of the blockade to the determination of who the winner in the political contest of the region must indeed involve all the elements and elements in controlling it.

The establishment of good coordination and synergy between the elements of society including with the security apparatus and law enforcement agencies is clearly very important and beneficial because it will minimize not only the potential virginity of the region on the 2024 Pilkada, but also anticipate potential threats, challenges, obstacles to other disturbances that interfere with the stability and conductability of the territory.

The Resor Police (Polres) South Jakarta also always have a strong commitment to carry out good coordination to all elements of the organizers of Pilkada such as the General Election Commission (KPU) and the Election Supervisory Authority. (Bawaslu).

In essence,ining the conductivity of the region really requires good coordination and support from all sides together. So that there are no obstacles in the entire phase of implementation of the 2024 Pilkada and there are attempts to minimize the impact or potential threat as soon as possible.

To all the competing candidates for the Head of the District, should be able to act as an example, a symbol and at the same time an icon in improvement and change to realize an Indonesia that is more just and prosperous for all.

Approximately 545 provinces, districts and cities have to carry out Pilkada throughout the country, which is entirely in accordance with the Constitution, that the head of the district is the direct choice of the people.

In other words, as a large and sovereign country, Indonesia very much needs the presence of all regional candidates for leadership in the level of provinces, districts and cities with a credible figure to rise into a developed, just and prosperous country for all.

It is very important that there is a strong joint commitment from all sides in striving to ensure that the implementation of the 2024 Pilkada takes place credibly and with dignity.

)* The author is the Observer of Social and Social Issues

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