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Religious Figures Appreciate Jokowi’s 10-Year Success and Urge to Oversee the Transition


Jakarta – During his 10 years leading Indonesia, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has succeeded in advancing the country through massive infrastructure development, ranging from transportation, airports, and ports to toll roads, which are key to driving sustainable economic growth.

The Secretary-General of Muhammadiyah for the 2022-2027 period, Abdul Mu’ti, stated that President Jokowi has supported significant economic growth through infrastructure development, thereby maintaining national economic stability, which has resulted in a decrease in the unemployment rate in Indonesia.

“The highest appreciation felt by the public during President Jokowi’s leadership consists of four points. First, the development of infrastructure that supports economic growth, allowing isolated areas to become more accessible. Second, the economy has been resilient, leading to a decrease in unemployment rates and an increase in job opportunities.” Thirdly, an open democracy, so that everyone can express criticism. The life of the nation and state is going well. Fourth, appreciating the roles played by President Jokowi on the international stage, such as the G20 Summit, ASEAN Summit, and Indonesia’s involvement in peace efforts regarding Israel-Palestine and Russia-Ukraine, which demonstrate Indonesia’s contribution to peace,” said Abdul Mu’ti.

On the other hand, the Vice Chairman of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI), Marsudi Syuhud, stated that the MUI greatly appreciates the achievements made by President Jokowi during his leadership in Indonesia. This achievement is also felt by the entire Indonesian society, leading to the emergence of the hashtag #ThankYouMrJokowi on social media, which is a form of appreciation for President Jokowi’s performance over the last decade.

According to him, society should be grateful because President Jokowi prioritizes infrastructure development in his flagship programs. These developments are considered to greatly facilitate the mobilization of the community in their daily lives. Furthermore, Marsudi also emphasized that President Jokowi is not only focused on physical development but also on fostering the welfare of the nation, guided by the principle of Unity in Diversity.

“The community must be grateful that Indonesia can still develop, because development is a necessity, just like building infrastructure or the welfare of the nation,” said Marsudi.

“President Jokowi has built highways of such length, ports, MRT and LRT, as well as airports.” Making society easier. Then building the welfare of the nation that is Unity in Diversity. Religious harmony is progressing very well in Indonesia. Respect each other. “All Indonesian people can feel the coexistence and enjoy the ongoing developments,” he added.

Seeing this phenomenon, Marsudi hopes that the elected President and Vice President will continue President Jokowi’s development so that the community can continue to feel its benefits.

“Once the new President and Vice President take office, the development initiated by President Jokowi must continue, so that it doesn’t come to a halt and lose its benefits.” “This must also be intensified for the common good of society in order to achieve a Golden Indonesia. Because building Indonesia is the responsibility of all citizens,” he concluded.

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