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Stop Drugs! National Collaboration is the Key to a Drug-Free Indonesia


Jakarta – Coordinator of the Expert Group of the National Narcotics Agency of the Republic of Indonesia (BNN RI), Commissioner General of Police. (Ret.) Drs. Ahwil Luthan, S.H., MBA., M.M., emphasized the importance of real steps to eradicate drugs in Indonesia in a talk show organized by Radio Elshinta, Monday (11/18). On that occasion, he explained the comprehensive strategy that must be carried out to deal with the drug crisis that continues to haunt the nation.

Ahwil said that the number of drug addicts in Indonesia is still very high and is a serious concern. He emphasized, “Drug addicts in Indonesia are quite high and must be protected. Rehabilitation is one effort to save addicts from the shackles of drugs.” According to him, rehabilitation is a solution that not only saves individuals but also contributes to long-term prevention efforts.

Furthermore, Ahwil explained the three main pillars in dealing with drugs, namely reducing availability (supply reduction), reducing demand (demand reduction), and treatment and rehabilitation. This strategy includes firm action against drug dealers, public education to prevent drug use, and intensive care for those who have become victims.

However, Ahwil highlighted the weaknesses of the control system that still open up opportunities for drug trafficking, especially those controlled from within correctional institutions (prisons). He conveyed the urgency of system reform and stricter supervision. “There must be improvements to the system and proper control so that drug trafficking that has been controlled from prisons does not continue,” he said.

In the context of national policy, Ahwil appreciated President Prabowo Subianto’s attention in making drug eradication one of the priorities in the Asta Cita program. He emphasized the plan to form a special task force involving all ministries to ensure cross-sector collaboration in handling drug problems. “The President wants to form a Task Force that truly coordinates all ministries so that no one is indifferent to this case,” he said.

Not only that, Ahwil emphasized that the government’s firm stance against drug crime perpetrators must continue. “Currently, the leadership is tough, all individuals who are declared to be distributing drugs must be immediately prosecuted. Crime can happen because there is intention and opportunity,” he said. He reminded the importance of breaking the chain of drug distribution from various levels, from small dealers to international networks.

Through this talk show, BNN RI again demonstrated its commitment to eradicating drugs through a holistic approach. The public is also expected to be more aware of the dangers of drugs and support the government’s efforts to create a drug-free Indonesia.

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