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“A Message Signed With Blood” – ISIS Warns its Enemies

21 Egyptian Coptic Cristians were slaughtered by ISIS as  the revenge of Muslims Presecution Carried Out by “Coptic Crussaders” in Egypt – ISIS Claim
21 Egyptian Coptic Cristians were slaughtered by ISIS as the revenge of Muslims Presecution Carried Out by “Coptic Crussaders” in Egypt – ISIS Claim

By : Jaber Ahmed *)

Another video released by ISIS on Feb 15, 2015 showing the beheading of 21 Egyptian Coptic Christians kidnapped in Libya. The five minute video published by Al Hayat Media entitled “A Message Signed With Blood To The Nation Of Cross”. In the beginning of the video there is a caption read “The people of the cross, followers of the hostile Egyptian church.” The hostages who appears to be accompanied by the ISIS jihadits walk down to the beach and forced down facing the mediterranean sea.

The lead execitioner with a knife in his hand said before the killings “Safety for you crusaders is something you can only wish for.” He then declaring the main message of the video by saying “Today, are on the south of Rome, on the land of Islam, Libya, sending another message. Oh crusaders, safety for you will be only wishes.” He keeps talking in fluent english stating “Especially when you’re fighting us all together, therefore we will fight you all together. Until the war lays down its burdens, and Jesus, peace be upon him will descend breaking the cross.”

Following the beheading, the spokesperson made a vow that might become the main reason of Italy now participating alongside Egypt Military to tackle ISIS in Libya, saying “We will conquer Rome by The Permission of Allah.”

ISIS a day after the publishing the video explained in Dabiq Magazine that the killings were carried out in retailiation for the captures, presecution and killings of Muslim Women by Egyptian Coptic Cristians group –so called “Coptic Crussader” in Egypt since 2010.

*) The Author Is Jakarta Regional Contributors


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