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National Stability Post-Regional Elections Is a Shared Responsibility


JAKARTA – The 2024 Regional Head Elections (Pilkada) that have just taken place in various regions in Indonesia have shown progress in the democratic process. However, national stability after the Pilkada is a shared responsibility that must be maintained by all parties.

Deputy Minister of Religion (Wamenag), Romo HR Muhammad Syafi’i invited the public to maintain a conducive situation after the 2024 Pilkada. He emphasized the importance of maintaining unity after the contestation.

The effort, he said, is the responsibility of all parties. Starting from community leaders to community organizations in the environment.

“This is where the role of religious figures, religious organizations, clerics, and pastors is important to provide an understanding of how important it is for us to maintain unity,” said Syafi’i.

Syafi’i continued, all religions actually have the same vision, namely to establish unity and togetherness, spread love, spread affection, and not be hostile to each other.

“In fact, I dare to conclude that if there is a religious figure, whatever religion he is, who teaches hatred towards followers of other religions, he must have his own agenda that we should be suspicious of,” said Syafi’i.

Meanwhile, the Head of the West Halmahera Ministry of Religious Affairs (Kemenag) Office, Amir Tomagola, appealed to the entire community to continue to maintain friendship and unity between religious communities after the implementation of the 2024 Pilkada. This appeal was conveyed following the end of the regional head election process which has the potential to give rise to social friction in society.

“We must make this Pilkada a momentum to strengthen brotherhood, not the opposite. Let’s eliminate differences in choice and unite to build this region,” said Amir.

Amir also emphasized the importance of the values ​​of tolerance and harmony between religious communities to maintain regional stability.

“Harmony is our main capital in maintaining peace, do not let differences in political views damage the togetherness that has been established for a long time,” continued Amir.

The Ministry of Religious Affairs also invited religious leaders, youth, and the general public to play an active role in reducing potential conflicts. This role is considered important in ensuring that differences during the Pilkada do not develop into prolonged disputes.

Then on the other hand, Amir Tomagola appreciated all the people who had gone through the Pilkada process peacefully.

“Thank you to all parties who have maintained a conducive atmosphere during the Pilkada. This shows that we can do politics maturely and still maintain national values,” he said.

After the implementation of the 2024 Pilkada, the community is expected to refocus on regional development and continue to uphold the spirit of unity amidst diversity. [*]

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