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Synergy of Law Enforcement Officers to Destroy Drug Networks


Jakarta – Legal expert Henry Indraguna appreciates the performance of the Government through the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) which succeeded in uncovering 620 drug cases throughout 2024.

According to Henry, this achievement shows the government’s seriousness in eradicating drug trafficking in Indonesia.

“Hopefully, in the future, BNN can work better and earnestly to eradicate this extraordinary crime. Not only succeed in uncovering the case but also should be able to eradicate it to the roots. Including the parties who are now protecting drug dealers,” he said.

Henry believes that the drug problem has long been rooted in Indonesia.

“It is impossible to count how many tens of thousands of our people have become victims. Even with the current law enforcement, it seems as if it cannot provide a deterrent effect on dealers, dealers, or users,” he said.

He also emphasized the importance of rehabilitation for users to provide a deterrent effect and the importance of catching big drug dealers.

“Don’t let government money just go to waste, spent on chasing small-time dealers or users. While the big ones are untouched,” he added.

Meanwhile, in Central Java, the Central Java Police Narcotics Research Directorate claims that 2024 will be the best year in uncovering drug cases in the past 22 years.

Kombes Pol Muhammad Anwar Nasir, Director of Drug Investigation at the Central Java Regional Police, said that his team had uncovered more than 1,500 cases with evidence totaling 91 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine and 37,425 ecstasy pills.

“This year is a very good time and moment to reveal drug cases in Central Java,” said Anwar.

However, Anwar also emphasized that his party would not be careless. For example, five of his members who were proven to have stolen evidence of crystal methamphetamine have been processed criminally. On the other hand, members who managed to uncover major cases will also be given appreciation.

“We use two approaches in the operational method, namely upstream and downstream. Upstream we form a drug-free village, and downstream we monitor couriers who cross Central Java,” he explained.

With these steps, it is hoped that drug trafficking can be minimized, and drug-related crimes will not damage the future of the younger generation.


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