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indonesian border map
indonesian border map

By : Iboy Sandi)*

 Jakarta – CIDISS. The outermost region / the border of a country holds the status of strategic importance for a country. From the perspective of security and defense, state border is the front fence inhibiting the influx of cross-border activity that could threaten the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia. From the perspective of welfare, the state border is a leading area from the Homeland should be constructed and maintained so as to give an impression that Indonesia has sovereignty and dignity must be defended and upheld. Therefore, the welfare of border communities must be enhanced through sustainable economic development.

To build the outermost border regions of Indonesia requires a comprehensive grand stategy from the level of the central government to the local government level. In building the outer region not only require substantial capital investment, but also require good coordination among relevant institutions so that development efforts of the government are not mutually inhibit each other.

Therefore, in order to harmonize the efforts of each sector or related parties in the development of border areas need a forum in this case the policy is interconnected between the agencies with other relevant agencies. Moreover, not only at the level of the central government through the ministries and agencies, but also based on input from local government border itself. Thus the development plan of the state border in accordance with the characteristics of each region.

Related to the duties of each sector in general can be done from the level of local government development plans in accordance with the characteristics of the state border and local knowledge of each region. Then at the provincial level to carry out its role as an arm of the central government. Then, ministries / agencies and local governments can develop innovation activities different than usual and specific. These things must be done in a holistic-thematic unity and integrative, so expect the development of border regions or outermost Indonesia may be optimal.

)* Jakarta Contributor

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