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Wisely Reading News In Social Media

Many social media spreading the hoax news
Many social media spreading the hoax news

By: Widya Caterine )*

 Jakarta – CIDISS. Accessibility to the Internet is currently providing the main positive impact in terms of delivering news and provides information quickly and accurately. But there are several obstacles that are also faced with easy internet access and easy delivery of information is also a major obstacle for some people, especially the younger generation which is actually still in the stage of the search for identity. Accessibility of the internet not matched by the quality to filter, absorb, scatter up the information from the media and implements the contents of the news.

News that provided from the Internet is not all particularly informative and persuasive, many of them to be is a tool of provocation and breaking the union. Even today a lot of accounts that deliberately spread the news that provokes people. The government would need to consider the future and supervise the rapid flow of information on social media, where not all the information is correct.

The young generation should be able to think before uploading news or any news story in addressing the propaganda it is expected to reduce the number of negative effects happened.

News can be categorized into two types, namely, news Hard and Soft News. Hard news is the news story that ran in the print media such as newspapers, magazines and bulletins. While soft news is news coming from the software as well as internet and other social media. Ease of access to information and news must be balanced wisely.

Especially for the younger generation, should be able to read and search the truth deals with news and not easily share news links of unknown validity. Young people are the frontline progress of a nation. With insight and wise to read the news and spread the word can drown out issues of negative and did not join the news provoked a lie.

)* Jakarta Contributor

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