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Indicators of Changing the Pattern of Terror Action on Attacks at Banyumas Resort Police

The main location of Banyumas Terror Case

By: Moch. Irfandi)*

The emergence of a motorcyclist’s event which was later identified as Muhammad Ibn Dar / MID, spurred his motor at high speed through the front gate of Banyumas Police Station, and immediately hit a police officer, Aipda Ata Suparta.

After that, the offender got off his bike and ran. Another police officer named Brigadier Irfan tried to intercept him. At that moment, MID took a machete and tried to hack the police officer who blocked him, and had injured Irfan’s left hand.

A number of preliminary reports said that MID is a resident of Karangaren Village, Kutasari Sub-district, Purbalingga District, Central Java. When performing the action, the perpetrator wore a shirt, black pants, and a scarf or shawl with the ISIS logo / logo. A journalist who happened to be at the scene said MID crashed into Ata Suparta police officer while accusing loudly.

At least, there are three points of note that may need to be used as a serious study material related to the changing pattern of future terror attacks.

Firstly, this mode of terror acts at Polres Banyumas is similar to acts of terror near the British parliament building (March 24, 2017) or the act of crashing a truck car in Stockholm Sweden (07 April 2017). Each of the three attacks used a motor vehicle to crash or hit the target. Even the Banyumas case and the British Parliament House have exactly the same thing: carrying a machete to injure the victim.

Secondly, there is an analysis that says this pattern change or mode of action is also triggered by other factors: the more difficult it is to get materials to make bombs, and an act of terror bombing requires more than one person, and preparations that may last longer.

Third, the Banyumas Police attack – also against the British Parliament House and Mall in Stockhom – is actually done by a lone-wolf. Because the action does not require additional actors, do not need also a very clever planning.

The three note points above indicate one thing: the easier it is to carry out an act of terror. Further consequences, there may be more acts of terror. Because after intending and determined to do the action, a perpetrator only requires a motor vehicle (car or motorcycle) and carrying a machete, and action occurs

)* The author is CIDISS contributor

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