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Children Identity Card in Barito Utara

Children bring a children identity card

By: Choirul Fuadi)*

CIDISS – This year, the Government of Barito Utara Regency, Central Kalimantan began to process the Child of identity card (KIA) for age under of 17 years and unmarried.

The purpose of the child’s identity card is as an embodiment of the State in terms of protection and the children’s services through the Department of population and civil registration of Barito Utara.

The Governors of Barito Utara, Nadalsyah Stated that issued of KIA due Barito Utara Regency is ranked the third in the achievement of the highest of owned the birth certificate that is 78 percent in Central Kalimantan.

The Governors of Barito Utara is also requested, not only make KIA for children but also to entire community in Barito Utara to make Identity Cards Electronic (KTPE) for citizens who are the age of compulsory ID CARDS.

“The citizens do not have or haven’t done recording electronic ID CARD, please to immediately arrange it in the board of the population and civil registration,” he said.

He also asked all the apparatus of the village and sub-district to facilitate residents who will arrange the population documents.

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