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Indonesian Transportation Minister launches online licensing system


cidiss.co, Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi has launched online transportation licensing system in a bid to improve efficiency and avoid illegal levies.

“The government would continue to facilitate transportation operators, thus they dont have to come to our office to get the licenses as it would take time,” Budi said here, Sunday (July 16).

On the occasion, Budi also launched fleet management system for state-run transportation operator PPD and conveyed rewards for drivers and machinist.

The minister said, development in transportation system is undoubtedly important to match with other countries.

Therefore, he added, the government would continue to improve its transportation system to make it competitive in global transportation system.

Currently, some 47.5 million people in Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi (Jabodetabek) used public transportation for their daily activities and they would need safe and comfortable transportation.

Under the online licensing system, Budi said, transportation operators could register their licenses at any time and any where without having to meet with officers.

“Therefore it would need to be familiarized intensively to encourage operators to use this facility,” he said.

Meanwhile head of the Greater Jakarta Transportation Body (BPTJ) Bambang Prihartono said, the agency is ready to enter the era of online transportation licensing system to make it easier and more efficient.

“Under the system, licensing for public transportation is expected to be obtained faster and on time,” Bambang said, adding that it has become the governments obligation to give its best services for the operators.


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