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Index of Happiness: the Residents of East Kalimantan are the Most Happy in Kalimantan

Index of Happiness in Kalimantan

By Choirul Fuadi)*

CIDISS – Residents in East Kalimantan Province were named as the happiest citizens in Kalimantan. The second position is North Kalimantan Province. The third position is South Kalimantan. The fourth position is Central Kalimantan Province, and the fifth position is West Kalimantan.

The score of the list of East Kalimantan happiness index is 73.57. North Kalimantan has score of 73.33. South Kalimantan has score of 71.99. Central Kalimantan has score of 70.85. And West Kalimantan has score of 70.08.

The ranking of Kalimantan Timur province (Kaltim) is the highest when compared to other areas in Kalimantan. Composite index composed by three dimensions, namely life satisfaction, feelings, and meaning of life.

This was stated by Head of the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) Kaltim M Habibullah said, in 2017, the index of happiness Kaltim reached 73.57 on a scale of 0-100. This figure increases when compared to 2014, ie 71.45.

This index is a sub-dimension of social life satisfaction. Meanwhile, the lowest indicator index is education and skills that only 62.21, it is a sub-dimension of personal life satisfaction. According to him, the low indicator of education and skills in East Kalimantan is a good sign. “Because, shows the citizens are not satisfied with the level of education so it is expected to take education to a higher level,” he said.

In fact, this dissatisfied can also be the basis for local governments to continue to improve the quality of education and skills of citizens. So in the future, the talent of citizens increases and can compete in national and global markets.

Then he continued a number of other indicators that have an index below 70 are self-improvement, feelings of no worries, and satisfaction with household income. Then, the happiness index of the population in East Kalimantan after marriage reaches 73.88, higher than the unmarried population.

“If it is specified per dimension, then the index size in each of East Kalimantan residents’ happiness is the index of life satisfaction dimension recorded 73.50, sensory dimension index is 71.63, and life meaning dimension index is 75.41,” said Habibullah.

)* The author is CIDISS Contributor

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