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Pro Counter Ship Sinking Policy: Support Fisherman and Law Enforcement


CIDISS. Implementation of the Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries policy related to the sinking of foreign fishing boats in Indonesia was experiencing various polemic pro counter. Some high-ranking state officials questioned the policy and led to disagreement, while many other officials who supported the policy remained in place.

As reported by the Coordinating Minister for the Ministry of Marine Affairs, Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, said there is no sinking in 2018 because the government wants to focus on efforts to increase fishery production.

Meanwhile, the Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Susi Pudjiastuti in a number of social media accounts claimed the sinking of a fishing thief ship in accordance with the Fisheries Act No. 45/2009.

Meanwhile, President Joko Widodo responded to a cross-talk of the Cabinet regarding the policy of drowning a foreign ship of fish thieves by the Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Susi Pudjiastuti.

Jokowi admitted that he had asked Susi to focus on improving fish processing and fish exports. He conveyed to Susi for concentration to the fish processing industry especially that encourages for export, fish for export because Indonesian fish exports are down.

Even so, Jokowi assess the sinking of foreign ships over the last three years is done for the good of the country. Especially for the welfare of fishermen through the catch of fish. For that, Jokowi said still support the policy as a form of law enforcement.

Furthermore, Chairman of the House of Representatives Commission IV Edhy Prabowo said it supports the policy of the Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Susi Pudjiastuti related to the drowning of fishing thieves in Indonesian waters.

We affirm that Commission IV continues to support the policy of sinking foreign ships entering Indonesian territory and stealing Indonesia’s natural wealth. There should be no polemic between the Coordinating Minister for the Ministry of Marine Affairs Luhut Pandjaitan with the Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Susi Pudjiastuti regarding the drowning of foreign vessels of illegal fishing actors as they are part of the government.

Edhy rate, the sinking of a ship that was proven to steal Indonesia’s natural wealth had a good impact on fishermen and cause a deterrent effect. However, he also stated that the statement of Coordinating Minister of Agriculture is also for the good of the country so there should be no process.

The Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries policy related to the drowning of foreign fishing boats in Indonesia is done for the sake of the state and protect the marine natural resources belonging to Indonesia, because the real fish in Indonesia belongs to the people of Indonesia, not foreign countries. Therefore, a policy that has obviously brought positive results for the people of Indonesia should be supported and we should reject all efforts that legalize the foreign interests that enter our country, let alone those interests violate the law.

By: Dimas Budi*)

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