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Social Minister expands the Reach of the Hope Family Beneficiary in Asmat


CIDISS. As many as 391 families in Asmat District will receive Family Social Assistance Program (PKH) starting from February 2018. The number increases compared to 2017 as much as possible.

Minister of Social Idrus Marham said Bansos PKH will be supplied in Asmat District with the support of Bank State Owned Bank. For Asmat District with Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI). Hopefully can be utilized to the fullest. Idrus said the total budget to be distributed is Rp 798 million for 391 beneficiaries.

To smooth the process of taking non-cash PKS, the assistant will be deployed intensively to assist recipients. Similarly, a team from BRI will be alerted during disbursement.

Mensos said currently in the new Asmat District there are four PKH assistants and one PKH operator and is in the process of additionally a proportional companion.

Meanwhile, Director General of Social Protection and Social Security (DG Linjamsos) Ministry of Social Affairs, Harry Hikmat, said starting in 2018, for Papua and West Papua region will be applied PKH Access. PKH access will be channeled to disadvantaged, remote, and outlying areas.

According to Harry, the underdeveloped area is a relatively undeveloped area of ​​administration, community, human resources, ownership, and others. Meanwhile, continued Harry, remote areas are areas that are difficult to access, basic facilities and basic infrastructure is minimal because it borders directly with neighboring countries.

He expressed, through giving PKS Bansos I hope PKH can increase people’s purchasing power, help children get good nutrition, and ease the cost of education of children. The Ministry of Social Affairs, he added, has also dropped the team to Asmat to comb the families in other districts that meet the criteria for obtaining PKH assistance. Still want an additional PKH recipient.

The channeling of Bansos PKH is expected to target social assistance to the people in need. The existence of information services and public complaints related to non-cash assistance of PKH is expected that Bansos services cannot run effectively, on time, on target, in exact quantity and quality.

By: Ajeng Mufadillah *)

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