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Political Year, PBNU invites People to use Social Media rightly


CIDISS. The presence of social media in the last decade has spawned a digital revolution that affects human life. The digital revolution has changed the behavior and culture of society in communicating and consuming news.

Social media behavior is determined by its users. Especially in the political year 2018-2019 social media has a very strategic role.

Bridging the existence of crime in social media, Nahdlatul Ulama Board (PBNU) held Istighotsah activities and public discussion with Political and Cyber ​​theme Towards Medsosul Karimah. The event was held at An Nahdlah PBNU Mosque Building, Central Jakarta.

Chairman, Nabil Haroen said, this activity as a step socialization to the public how to use social media properly and precisely. He said the event is just normal cyber moments for people to use good social media.

On the other hand, this activity will also inform the legal aspects of social media. He revealed, the target, all people, especially NU social media should have the right timing.

Most importantly, he said, is to equip users and consumers of information to be wiser for the purpose of communicating to build a relationship strap achieved. He revealed, only with that social media to build the benefit of the people, not to make the atmosphere in the political year.

Let us as a society to use social media properly and appropriately for the purpose of communicating the real can be achieved, namely to build a relationship to facilitate sustenance and extend our life in particular. And generally to built the benefit of the people.

By: Ajeng Mufadillah*)

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