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Parenting Colloquium for Children to prevent Terrorism


CIDISS. The role of parents in encouraging and controlling the foundation of primary education in the development of information technology is so rapidly certainly have an important role in efforts to prevent the spread of radicalism that lead to acts of terrorism.

Expert Staff of Village Minister, Disadvantaged Area Development, and Transmigration (Mendes PDTT) Economic Development Division, Ratna Dewi Andriati said, parents should fortify children from radical understandings.

In the parenting seminar “Establishing the Character of Children Facing the Challenges of the Age” held by Dharma Wanita Persatuan (DWP) Kemendes PDTT at Makarti Hall Muktitama, Ratna revealed that the children’s fortress, convey good education also moral education and religion.

He expressed his concern about the suicide bombing phenomenon involving children. The seminar that was held this time, he added, became the momentum for parents to be better in strengthening character education for children.

He said that he was concerned over a suicide bomb incident that a mother carrying her children took part. He is sad how a mother influences her children’s minds to participate in acts of terrorism.

Ratna pointed out, the pattern of children’s education conducted in Japan and Korea. According to him, it is important for families to maintain cultural aspects in addition to improving the quality of education. In a press release, Ratna said, are mothers proud of foreign teachers? May be, as long as we have a foundation.

The role of the family is also very important in counteracting radicalism. The family is the first school of almost all humans. The role of providing a good and correct understanding of both parents will provide “antibodies” to the wrong understanding found by family members, especially children and adolescents, who are in the process of searching for identity.

By: Ajeng Mufadillah*)

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