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After Public Election in Indonesia: Keep Peace


CIDISS.CO The massive democracy party in Indonesia in 2018 has passed, various political voices have been channeled by the Indonesian people to the leaders it hopes. Not only running safely and peacefully, elections 2018 together are expected to produce qualified leaders and able to maintain the mandate of the people to improve the lives of Indonesian people.

According to political observer, Maximus Ramses, political parties play a role in educating the public in order to choose qualified leaders. The people should not only give their voice but also to think about the fate of the nation because choosing the leader is the asset of future resources for the progress of the nation and the state of Indonesia.

After this election, the community still needs to be educated to accept all decisions from the election results. As we know, that the people of Indonesia are very diverse. In certain areas there are still those who are prone to conflict. Differences of opinion about choosing the candidate pairs of regional heads and deputy regional heads can be a conflict.

In addition, other conflict-prone factors are SARA issues. When there is an opposite clause whether it is tribe, religion, race, or even among groups, then society will usually support the same with itself. The fanaticism of these supporters can cause conflict.

To maintain post-election security, conflict prevention is done by mapping conflict-prone areas. That way, security will be tightened in the area. So, if a conflict breaks out, it can be overcome immediately.

Not only that, running the elections honestly will be able to reduce conflict. Basically conflict occurs because of being disappointed with the last defeat, there is suspicion of the winning pair. This can be exacerbated by the existence of fraud issues. Because of this, it has been emphasized from the beginning that there are no frauds in the elections.

Now, after the election is over, we can only wait for the results. The Candidates and the communities were asked to lay chest in receiving the results. We congratulate the new head of the region for his victory.

After that, the next point is how to jointly advance the region. Recognizing the new leader as the regional head and deputy regional head through regional elections. Comply with every decision and regulations it makes. There will be no more regrets and immediately move from the election results.

In this simultaneous Public Election, let’s welcome the new leaders who are born and ready to lead their respective regions to a better direction. Through various visions and missions that have been voiced during the campaign period and also the work program we have known before choosing them. With this election, of course there are new hopes that our region will progress.

Reflecting on this fact, we should participate in maintaining security in every region throughout the archipelago. Do not want to be pitted by parties who want to create a state riot. Especially in conflict-prone areas, keep the community united. We may be different choices, but still must be able to accept victory and defeat from what we choose.

Now the most important thing is how we support the work program of the regional head and his representative can run well. We hope that those who win can carry out the mandate as well as possible. Promote areas that have an impact on the welfare of its people. Strengthen the unity of the whole society.

By: Rusman Setiawan *)

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