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Beware of HTI, Reject Radicalism !!


Author: Amri Badarudin )*


The incessant movement of HTI banned organizations to get space in Indonesia is increasingly massive. Various efforts from both the government apparatus and institutions were not lost to counteract the propaganda of these radicalist organizations. In the National Seminar on Rethingking about the dangers of Hizbut-Tahrir Indonesia (HTI) to the Pancasila ideology held by Bangkalan Regional Police, the theme was “Don’t Survive Indonesia”. Various NU figures were present to give lectures explaining the dangers and threats of the radical organization Hizbut-Tahrir in turn.

Hizbut-Tahrir has been internationally recognized as a banned organization. Some countries, such as Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries, reveal that this organization is very damaging to the ideological order of the country that has developed well in the country. The imposition of Hizbut-Tahrir to implement the Caliphate ideology in various countries was a big mistake. There has been a lot of destruction of Arab countries and the phenomenon of the Arab Spring, which is largely inseparable from the role of Hizbut-Tahrir through its provocation to the people to overthrow legitimate government.

2011 was the beginning of the destruction of the Syrian state. The delay in the Syrian government in anticipating and prohibiting the existence of radical organizations such as Hizbut-Tahrir seemed to be a time bomb. Hizb ut-Tahrir, who continued to provoke both through social media and demonstrations, managed to outwit the Syrian government system. On the other hand, the undeniable fact is that Hizbut-Tahrir, who was originally born in Palestine, did not yet have a mature concept, but was forced to develop in other countries. Even though in their home countries this organization is not suitable and disliked by the community because of high intolerance to other followers.

Hizbut-Tahrir began entering Indonesia in the 1980s and recruited members using fake promises. Indeed, Indonesian society upholds the values ​​of diversity and tolerance, so that it will be difficult to penetrate the organization that names itself Hizbut-Tahrir Indonesia. More than 30 years of HTI in Indonesia have begun trying to treat Indonesia. The act of provocation and the spread of intolerance by bringing verses from the Koran and Hadith they use as a main weapon to overthrow the Indonesian government.

Of course, the Indonesian government is not silent. A decisive step was also issued, namely by dissolving and banning HTI organizations from developing in this prosperous country. Now, HTI has disbanded. But his understanding and members still live in Indonesia and still do not accept his defeat. For this reason, our role is to keep our brothers and friends from being consumed by HTI understanding and other radical notions.

The Indonesian people are actually quite intelligent in facing radical ideas. Indonesian culture and culture naturally rejected forms of hostility and intolerance, especially by carrying out the name of religion. The Indonesian state is based on strong diversity so that radical understandings and teachings such as HTI are not suitable for developing in this peaceful country.

Hizbut-Tahrir which is basically an organization / teaching from the outside, tries to enter Indonesia like an invader, aims to destroy the country and overthrow the legitimate government, so that they will rule arbitrarily. Reject HTI, Reject Radicalism.


*) Student of Trunojoyo Bangkalan University

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