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Beware The Potential Riot of 2019 Election


By: Rizal Arifin

Prabowo who ran for re-election in the 2019 presidential election was a bad precedent considering the relevant track record in the previous presidential election. Not yet lost in memory when Prabowo Subianto led thousands of people to occupy the office of the Constitutional Court many times at the trial of the 2014 election results. It needs to be recalled, in the 2014 election Prabowo-Hatta coalition of members of the Red and White Coalition had more representation than parliament the party supporting Joko Widodo-Jusuf Kalla so that this was used as a Prabowo crony to sabotage the running of the government at that time. For example, the MD3 Act is imposed for their short-term political interests, not supposed to improve the performance and reputation of the DPR. It cannot be denied, in the beginning the Jokowi-JK government only spent time facing political moves from the Red and White Coalition which were disappointed with the results of the 2014 Presidential Election.

Not only that, political polarization in every level of society is increasingly tapering. Elections have left us far, but the scent of division and the formation of social classes is increasingly visible. The truth of the truth also seems to be only a political narrative, supporting government policies interpreted by Jokowi’s supporters and vice versa. This cannot be justified by any argument, even infrastructure development policies can be designed in such a way as to make a scorn. Regardless of political preferences, all citizens need adequate and reliable infrastructure for the advancement of life. Almost at the end of the Jokowi-JK government, disunity in the community due to political differences in 2014 was still felt. It cannot be said that this is a coincidence.

Towards the 2019 Election, the scent of division in the community was exhaled again. When the issue of communism which was so cruel aimed at President Joko Widodo did not get sympathy in the community and anti-Islamic issues were refuted. Prabowo cs built an opinion that President Joko Widodo had done conditioning to preserve his power. This is used as a strong reason later if the 2019 election results again set Prabowo Subianto as the losing presidential candidate. Making chaos is a logical reason for responding to election results which they say are not credible.

This is not an empty imagination without deep thought. Some time ago Prabowo Subianto predicted that Indonesia would become extinct if Prabowo-Sandi lost the 2019 presidential election. If some people consider it a joke, it is not beautiful and it is impossible for a presidential candidate to issue a controversy in public. This is a slip of Prabowo for what he has been thinking all this time.

The Indonesian Police Watch (IPW) Presidium Neta S. Pane said that she suspected that Prabowo was preparing a provocation so that the community would riot and chaos in the 2019 General Election related to Prabowo’s statement that Indonesia would become extinct if it lost.

It should be suspected that perhaps this Prabowo had already prepared if he (Prabowo) lost in the 2019 Presidential Election there would be chaos, the end of which would be a civil war, “said Neta in the discussion of the Indonesian Voter Institution (LPI) titled” Post-Election Indonesia, Prabowo Lost, Indonesia Extincted “, on 12-21/2018.

One of the causes of a country’s failure was the occurrence of a civil war. The result of Prabowo’s statement was to ignite the anger of counter-government groups to launch attacks on legitimate government. It cannot even be blamed if many parties argue that Prabowo has deliberately provoked the community with that statement.

According to Neta, Prabowo’s statement about Indonesia that would be extinct was not just an empty analysis he just gave, but also should be suspected that he was suspected of having tricked himself when he lost the Presidential Election, there would be riots, what Prabowo said needed to be examined because IPW Prabowo’s statement contained serious matters between Prabowo provoking or creating a conflict.

“So this needs to be examined, so IPW sees that Prabowo Subianto’s statement is not just an empty statement and just a scare. “This is something very serious to watch out for, does Prabowo Subianto provoke or want to create a conflict?” Said Neta.

We all hope that the integrity of this nation is a fixed price. We should not be easily affected by provocation by groups who want horizontal conflicts in the community. rest assured that we are destined to be Indonesia is a gift that must always be grateful and the TNI / Polri will always be the front guard of the integrity of this nation.

  • The author is an observer of social and political problems

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