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Obor Rakyat’s Republishing is Pointless


Author: Rizal Arifin *

Not to be separated from the memory of the 2018 phenomenon, at the beginning of this year the news had presented news that troubled the public. Starting from the issue of the construction of the Cipali Toll without debt, the dialysis hose used by 40 people at the RSCM, up to seven containers of ballots that have been cast off.

Fierce again, as the news was carried out by a public figure, namely Paslon from the opposition who will compete in the 2019 Presidential Election and a coalition party functionary. In tune with the old saying “the truth will win by itself”, it doesn’t take long to prove the lie all. We need to appreciate the good cooperation by all parties who have saved this nation’s democracy and integrity.

Such suffering never ends. Out of the crocodile’s cage, enter the lion’s cage. If that is what the public faced when treated to various lies that exist. Setyadi budiono and Darmawan Sepriyosa as the Obar Rakyat tabloid hoax officers re-appeared in the public space.

Counts of days after being declared parole, they immediately acted and loudly announced their plans to re-publish the lie ink strokes that had thrown him into the Prodeo Hotel. It is possible, prisons do not seem to have a deterrent effect, and are limited to mere shock effects.

Public space should be free of value and free from interests far from the truth value. Lies with various forms should be stopped immediately. The dogma of developing countries that are inherent in this nation must immediately rise in class, and that is not an empty dream if the entire nation is educated.

Is it true that their presence is only to fool the nation and state built with this heroic struggle?

Yes … the Obor Rakyat tabloid, the black media that was published only in the presidential election campaigns. Just a reminder, in the 2014 presidential election the media unceasingly attacked President Joko Widodo, who at that time was a presidential candidate against Prabowo-Hatta with very vile accusations.

Millions of copies are published and spread throughout the archipelago. However, what he hoped was not accomplished. Elektabilitas Joko Widodo actually climbed continuously at that time.

The lies they think come from data that can be accounted for, but what they say is a hammer judge the judge proves they are guilty and ends up languishing in bars.

In the 2019 Presidential Election title, Setyadi Budiono revealed that he would publish his black tabloid. Even unmitigated, to strengthen the legitimacy will be registered with the Law Obor Rakyat tabloid legal entity.

This cannot be tolerated, the ease of the licensing bureaucracy should not be misused, let alone undermine the interests of the nation. Kemenkumham should be keen to see this, there is strict verification of all files filing legal entities. Old players certainly won’t be silly to register on their behalf.

Media stakeholders must also see this phenomenon from various perspectives. The media cannot be left only published in the political year and have a dark track record which undermines the integrity of the nation.

Strict sanctions for violating the journalistic code of ethics must be applied. The Ministry of Communication and Information and the Press Council have been confirmed to be at the forefront of ensuring the validity of information received by the public. If we all join hands, the quality of democracy is increasing while increasing the quality of life of its people.

*) Democracy Activist

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