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Ma’ruf Amin a Clean and Charismatic Leader


By: Hilda Fitria *

Armed with a myriad of leadership experiences, Prof. Dr. (HC) Ma’ruf Amin was chosen by President Jokowi to be accompanied as vice president. The right choice, because it is a choice supported by all parties in the coalition. All agreed to unanimously support Kyai Haji Ma’ruf Amin as the vice president to accompany President Jokowi to be approved as Indonesia’s vice president for the period 2019-2024.

Jokowi’s right choice can change from the experience of Ma’ruf Amin who once led various organizations, and as long as Ma’ruf Amin the leader of this great organization can prove very successful. He is the Chair of the MUI, PBNU’s Rois Aam, the head of his Islamic boarding school, was once a member of the MPR, a member of the Presidential Advisory Council, etc. In addition, he is also an expert in Islamic economics, professors / professors in various universities.

From the record, as long as Ma’ruf Amin leads, it is always successful and can bring organizations that are led to progress and develop.
From Ma’ruf Amin’s personal life, he is a pious, charismatic, clean person and as a role model for santri and society in general.

He only has one wife means not polygamous, after his first wife died, he married again. This is an example of a man who is loyal and respected by women. He was very loyal to his wife and cared for him until his wife died.

He is also an authoritative father, successful in educating children, said courtesy compilation giving tausyiah, also very quality and soothing, can lead a happy family, lead a successful boarding school, become a cool PBNU Rois Aam and as Chair of the MUI very calculated. Almost nothing in the person of Kyai Haji Ma’ruf Amin. There are no minor tones and negative notes in his life.

Therefore, the Indonesian people are very fortunate to have a people named Prof. DR (HC) Ma’ruf Amin, God willing, if he becomes a Vice President can make Indonesia more prosperous safe and prosperous, Amin.

  • The author is an observer of socio-cultural problems

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