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Let’s Fight the Abesention Movement in the 2019 Election for the Success of National Sustainability Development


Author: Putri Ariani (Blogger, SPG)

The 2019 Election will be held in the next few weeks. However, lately, after the rise of hoax news in cyberspace, one more problem arises related to this election event, namely the movement to invite abstinence and intimidation so that people do not dare to choose their choices.
Golput (white group) is one form of resistance to political practice and does not close also has political motives and is not just disappointed with the holding of elections by not voting in general elections and further intimidating people with different choices so they are afraid to choose their choices .
This fact is certainly very troubling for the political climate in Indonesia. While the issue of hoax news has not been completed, new problems are emerging which are very serious and must be addressed immediately.
To prevent many people from entering the White Group, we must move together and fight all forms of intimidation.
 We must dare to voice to the people closest to us to use their voting rights and do not be afraid to choose because the fate of this nation for the next 5 years is determined in this election event. Let us succeed in the 2019 Election for the sustainability of Indonesia’s development.
We must be truly determined and help each other, both in fighting hoaxes and preventing massive abstentions. If we do not try, Indonesia can be on the verge of destruction and the Pancasila State Foundation is only a memory.
Let us together realize to the general public that we must not abstain in this 2019 election for the success of Indonesia’s sustainable development. Don’t be afraid to choose for the success of Indonesia’s leadership and development sustainability.

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