Papuan Young Generation Enthusiastically Welcomes the Inauguration of PYCH

By : Astrid Widia )*

The State Intelligence Agency (BIN) fully supports the development of the potential and talents of the entire young generation of Papua. This was realized through the initiation and construction of the Papua Youth Creative Hub (PYCH) building which President Jokowi will soon inaugurate and be enthusiastically welcomed by the younger generation in Cenderawasih Earth.

It is undeniable that the Land of Papua has a very high economic potential, because the land contains a lot of extraordinary natural resources (SDA), including the wealth of culture and customs owned by the people.

Even so, the wealth of natural resources and also the abundant economic potential that is owned by the Land of Papua, so far has not really been fully utilized and managed. This is because the quality of human resources (HR) they have is still relatively inadequate.

Therefore, as one of the efforts of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) to make the people of Cenderawasih Earth far more capable of utilizing and maximizing the potential for wealth possessed by the Land of Papua, the government continues to support and encourage the role of the younger generation.

The role of these young people can indeed be said to be very crucial to be able to realize increasing community welfare in the Land of Papua. However, of course there is still a need for adequate support so that the quality of Papuan youth human resources can also improve.

This support continues to be provided by the Head of the State Intelligence Agency (BIN), General Pol (Purn) Budi Gunawan by initiating and initiating the construction of the Papua Youth Creative Hub (PYCH) Building.

For information, the construction of the PYCH is a follow-up to the meeting between President Jokowi and Young Papuan Inspiring Figures in September 2019 at the State Palace.

Previously, President Jokowi said that the construction of PYCH was a follow-up to the meeting between President Jokowi and Young Papuan Inspiring Leaders at the State Palace in September 2019. Furthermore, the central government supports the development of creativity centers to provide more space for Papuan and West Papuan youth in the development of technology, innovation and local Papuan products.

Furthermore, the Head of State of the Republic of Indonesia stated that there are indeed a lot of superior seeds with a variety of excellent talents in the Land of Papua, even including in various types of fields such as science, arts and culture, to sports. So that it becomes a big task for all parties to be able to prepare for excellent talent management to be able to make arrangements. Therefore, the role of the PYCH Building is very important.

It is hoped that PYCH can become a driving force and function as a center for the development of young talents in Papua. In addition, PYCH can act as a center of creativity for young Papuans in strengthening a good innovation and technology ecosystem.

It should be noted that BIN really fully supports the implementation of the potential possessed by Papuan youths. This is aimed at having a youth organization group guided by BIN, namely PMI, which continues to carry out community empowerment assistance activities in Bumi Cenderawasih.

One of the residents of Tanah Papua, Franspouw explained that PMI itself is a forum for young people who are directly fostered by BIN. The goal is of course to be able to become a driving force for the welfare of the people of Cenderawasih Earth.

Meanwhile, PMI Secretary for Papua Province, Vitha Faidinban hopes that the work program initiated by his party will be able to continue to run well and smoothly, so that it can continue to develop the community.

According to him, the potential possessed by Tanah Papua is indeed very promising, so of course all of these programs can help the people’s economy. Vitha said that this community empowerment program was in accordance with the directions of President Joko Widodo and Head of BIN General Pol (Purn) Budi Gunawan.

PMI’s success in supporting the economy through agricultural products cannot be underestimated either. This is reflected in the farmer groups assisted by BIN and PMI who have succeeded in harvesting corn several times, one of which was in the area of ​​Kwadeware Village and Doyo Lama Village, Waibu District, Kab. Jayapura, Papua.

The harvest was carried out on 7.5 hectares of land with a yield of around 16.1 tonnes. It is estimated that the next harvest will be carried out again in May 2023. The total available land in Waibu District is 83.64 hectares. At that location, 20.3 hectares of corn have been planted and other land is in the processing process for planting. Previously, harvesters had also been harvested in the Namblong District, Jayapura on a 10 hectare land with a yield of 20 tonnes.

Related to this, the PMI Coordinator Kab. Jayapura, Daud Edison Yarisetouw revealed that CV Tripilar Perkasa would buy the crops to be used as chicken feed. Chicken feed products will be packaged with the PYCH label. 

On the other hand, young Papuans really welcomed with great enthusiasm the inauguration of the PYCH building which was initiated by the Government of Indonesia and BIN. According to PMI West Papua Coordinator, Simon Tabuni, the building is capable of becoming a place for the younger generation to continue to develop themselves, to develop their interests and talents to take part in advancing the Land of Papua.

The construction of the PYCH building itself is one of the central things in order to continue to implement all the potential possessed by youth in the Land of Papua. Knowing this, BIN continues to fully support the development of the quality of young Bumi Cenderawasih human resources so that they are also able to advance the economy of the Papuan people.

)* The author is a contributor to Pertiwi Media 

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