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The reasons why Indonesia’s economy was still stable, even though the dollar was approaching into…
CIDISS. The rupiah exchange rate against the US dollar until Friday August 31 2018 broke the highest level since the last three years. Although it continued to weaken, the condition was not…
The application of Biodesel B20 can help increase the price of Crude Palm Oil (CPO) and reduce fuel…
CIDISS. Dissemination of the Use of B20 Biodiesel is increasingly driven by the Government, starting as of September 1, 2018 the application of the use of palm oil mix of 20% (Biodiesel 20 /…
Indonesia’s economy looks stable in the weakening Rupiah
CIDISS. The stability of the decline in the amount of rupiah that is happening now will not reach the point of the monetary crisis as in 1998. The government is not panic about the decline…
Rupiah Getting Weak, What Should We Do?
CIDISS. The weakening of the rupiah exchange rate which has occurred in recent times still makes Indonesian society anxious. This is due to the weakening that happened to penetrate the…
Minister of Finance ensures Economic Fundamentals stay strong
CIDISS. The government ensures that Indonesia's economic fundamentals are still strong enough to withstand the fluctuation of the rupiah exchange rate which has recently weakened against the…
Bali Hit By Earthquake, IMF Meeting – World Bank Will Still Be Held In Bali
Cidiss. The area of Bali and West Nusa Tenggara has recently experienced frequent earthquakes, this morning the Bali region was rocked by an earthquake of 5.4 magnitude at 05.48 WITA, but…
Recover Tourism, Let’s see some Interesting Promotions from Lombok
CIDISS. A number of tourism actors in Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, are carrying out efforts to restore tourist visits after the big earthquake that occurred in early August. Chairman of the…
Opposing The Black Palm Oil Campaign Indonesian Government Strengthens Domestic Industry
CIDISS. Indonesia continues to strive to fight the discriminatory policies of palm oil products and their derivatives into Europe. The Europeans have actually given concessions in the form…
Is Indonesian Debt Still Ideal?
CIDISS. President Ahmad Erani Yustika's Special Staff responded to the statement of the Chairperson of the People's Consultative Assembly or the MPR, Zulkifli Hasan regarding government…
Facing of the Annual Meeting of the IMF – World Bank, Bali is intensifying
CIDISS. Ahead of the annual meeting of the IMF - World Bank, various improvements have been made to support the implementation of the annual IMF meeting - the World Bank is running well in…