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The issue of Synthetic Rice in Central Kalimantan
By: Choirul Fuadi)*
CIDISS – Recently, the province of Central Kalimantan has been hit by the issue of the circulation of synthetic rice in a number of areas in Central Kalimantan. The…
Minister of Agriculture : Not to Worry about Black Campaign of Palm Oil
CIDISS - Minister of Agriculture, Amran Sulaiman invites all elements of the nation not to worry about the black campaign about the dangers of palm oil for health. "We do not have to worry,…
Ship to Kumai: Alternative for homecomers to Central Kalimantan Province
By: Choirul Fuadi)*
CIDISS – after id fitri, the homecomers from hometown in Java starts to back to Kalimantan. The homecomers use many transportations access to central Kalimantan…
International confidence to boost capital inflow, President Joko Widodo expressed his belief that investment grade ratings that have been awarded to the country by international rating agencies so far would boost investment and…
在北京举行的“一带一路”高峰论坛上,中国努力动员数十个国家和数十亿美元资金支持这个宏大的基础设施建设计划,但欧洲提出了一些不同意见 。
Farmer in Henda Village Produced 294 tons of Watermelon per Year
By: Choirul Fuadi)*
CIDISS – Watermelon is a fruit which are many people like to eat. By the large of the land farm in Indonesia, it should there are many people plant the watermelon.…
Insemination trough Cow to Increase the Productivity
By: Choirul Fuadi)*
CIDISS - Food and Agriculture Sustainable Agency (DKPP) Sukamara make efforts and programs to improve the productivity of livestock, especially in cattle. For example,…
Two of BUMD in Kotawaringin Barat got TOP BUMD appreciation
By: Choirul Fuadi)*
CIDISS – Regional-owned Enterprises is a corporation which runs many enterprises owned by regional government. One of the functions is in the economic value and local…