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Laid-off Workers Get Social Protection Guarantee from the Ciptaker Law
Workers or laborers who have experienced layoffs are able to get social protection guarantees that are very appropriate and help from the enactment of the Job Creation Law which was…
Government Encourages Optimization of APBD Realization for the Acceleration of Papua’s…
The Government of the Republic of Indonesia continues to push for optimization of the realization of the use of APBD to continue to be able to accelerate development in Papua so that…
The Job Creation Law Encourages Economic Strengthening and Expands Employment
The Job Creation Law (UU) is believed to be able to become a regulation that strengthens the economy in Indonesia, various existing regulations are believed to be able to increase investment…
Government Success in Business Cooperation and Attracting Investor Interest in Indonesia
The success of the Government of Indonesia in continuing to cooperate in the business sector and being able to attract more and more investors to invest in Indonesia is clear evidence of…
The Government has succeeded in attracting investors’ interest to expand employment
Jakarta — The Indonesian government has had great success in conducting business cooperation efforts with many parties and has also continued to be able to attract investors' interest. All…
In Germany, Indonesia Signs 19 New Cooperation
Indonesia officially signed 19 business agreements with a number of parties. The details are three Government to Business agreements and 16 Business to Business agreements.
Investment in Batam Increased Thanks to Hannover Messe 2023, Six Companies Involved
Indonesia's participation in the 2023 Hannover Messe has achieved a brilliant achievement by encouraging six companies to invest a total of USD 800 million in the Wiraraja Industrial Area,…
The Benefits of Papua’s Development Felt by the Papuan People
The government has designed a program to accelerate the development of Papua so that the area will be more advanced. The benefits of development must be felt by the people of Papua, because…
Government Development Capable of Reducing Poverty Levels in Papua
Development in Papua seems to be able to reduce the amount of poverty in Cenderawasih. This shows that efforts to develop Indonesia in an Indonesia-centric manner have shown positive results…
The Involvement of Foreign Workers Increases the Quality of the Development of IKN
The involvement of foreign workers in IKN development projects is none other than solely for the benefit of the nation and the state, namely so that continuous improvement occurs and also…