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Wipe Radicalism Circle and Stimulate the Spirit of Nationalism
By: Edi Sulistyo (Chair of the Surabaya Regional Publication Literacy Movement)
Unorganized truth can be defeated by organized sleaze, the popular expression of Ali ibn Abi Talib.!-->!-->!-->…
Youth, Radicalism, and Martial Arts Awareness
By: Yusuf Efendi (Social and Political Science Student at UIN Jakarta)
Youth are the backbone of the country. That sentence almost becomes a cliche because it is always repeated as!-->!-->!-->…
Spirit of Moderation, Prevent Radicalism During Pandemics
By: Johan Apriadi (Chairperson of the Bandung Regional Publication Literacy Movement)
The Indonesian government has declared the Covid-19 pandemic to be a national disaster and has!-->!-->!-->…
Beware of Spreading Radical Understanding Through the Maya World
The spread of radical understanding always upsets the public. Their attitudes increasingly become, especially after the reformation and the emergence of public freedom. Freedom is!-->…
Deciding the Bad Reason of Radicalism
By: Yoga Utama ( Blogger / Student of Social and Political Science UBK)
The logic of radicalism which wants to establish the Khilafah is still alive in the minds of!-->!-->!-->…
Support the Government in Extinguish Terrorists
Selama beberapa pekan terakhir, Aparat Keamanan telah meringkus jumlah yang tidak terduga di beberapa wilayah di Indonesia. Masyarakat pun mendukung upaya Pemerintah dalam memberantas!-->…
Radicalism Becomes a Threat of the Republic of Indonesia
By: Didi Anggoro ) *
Radicalism is believed to still be a common threat to the life of the nation and state. The spread of radical understanding!-->!-->!-->…
Be Wary of the Spread of Radicalism in the Month of Ramadan
By: Zakaria )*
The spread of radicalism is
still a real threat to the Indonesian nation. In fact, the momentum of Ramadan
as it is often used by radical groups and terrorists to act in!-->!-->!-->…
Beware of Radical Move during Ramadhan
By: Alfisyah Kumalasari) *
The fasting month is a time that makes Muslims happy because they can worship fervently. But in the midst of holiness this month, you must be aware of!-->!-->!-->…
Watch Out for Terrorist Action Take Advantage of the Covid-19 Pandemic Situation
By: Raavi Ramadhan) *
In the midst of the process of preventing the covid-19 outbreak, the public was asked to remain vigilant with the presence of radicalism and!-->!-->!-->…