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Beware of HTI Guerrilla After Getting Disbanded
By: Ahmad Haris*
The decision of the Jakarta State Administrative Court (PTUN) regarding the disbanded of HTI by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights is legal and in accordance with…
Lesson Learned From Syria, Beware of Radicalism Seeds in Indonesia
written : Ratna Wulandari) *
One week has passed, but the polemic regarding the burning of a black flag that reads HTI sentences at the commemoration of the National Santri Day in Garut…
Rejecting Radicalism and Terrorism through Tolerance Education
CIDISS. Radicalism that leads to terrorism is actually not a new problem. But it has happened at the beginning of the development of world religions. This group is wrong and wrong in…
Terror Bom in Pasuruan Will Not Affect National Economy
CIDISS. Indonesia was again shocked by terror, in Pasuruan City, East Java, precisely in Bangil area 3 bombings of alleged bombs occurred in densely populated settlements, in this incident…
Prevent Recurrent Terror, Risma reactivate Siskamling
CIDISS. The act of terror that occurred in Surabaya is a very surprising thing for everyone, especially for the Mayor of Surabaya, Tri Rismaharini. She is very interactive and regretted it.…
NU appreciate Police to handle Terrorist Unrest at Mako Brimob Depok
CIDISS. The Rector of UIN Pontianak, Dr KH M Syarif MA gave his appreciation to the Police for his success in ending the riots of terrorism case (napiter) in Rutan Salemba, Mako Brimob. In…
Parenting Colloquium for Children to prevent Terrorism
CIDISS. The role of parents in encouraging and controlling the foundation of primary education in the development of information technology is so rapidly certainly have an important role in…
Three Countermeasures of Radicalism in Indonesia
Hindu University of Indonesia (UNHI) held a National Seminar entitled "Building National Insight in Tackling Radicalism. Present in this seminar, Vice Rector I Prof. Dr. I Ketut Suda, Prof.…
Pesantren Able to Help The State Avoiding The Danger of Radicalism
Indonesian Muslims are currently facing major challenges in terms of religious understanding. The emergence of extreme thoughts that aggressively spread certain denominational groups is…
PBNU discusses the Exit Way of Economic Gaps and Religious Radicalism
The challenge of Indonesia in the global and digital era is increasingly complex. The economic problems among the nation's citizens are increasingly visible. On the other hand,…