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By: Bustaman al Rauf) *

A number of Islamic organizations such as the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI), the Ulama GNPF, and Alumnus Brotherhood 212 responded to the “ban” issue of Habib Rizieq Shihab, who had been named by the three Islamic Organizations as “High Imams”. Their response was carried out through a press conference at the Secretariat of the FPI DPP Gang Paksi Jalan Petamburan III, Central Jakarta (11/11/2019). On that occasion, Habib Hanif Al Athos said, Habib Rizieq Shihab (HRS) had tried to get out of Saudi Arabia three times, the first was on July 8, 2018 but failed because it was banned. Then on July 12, 2018 again tried to leave Saudi Arabia but again failed. Finally he tried again to leave Saudi Arabia precisely the day before the over stay visa valid period but failed.

“HRS was banned twice. The first ban with a ban number 68447 was conducted on 1 Shawwal 2018 or 15 June 2018, right with the announcement of the SP3 chat case by HRS in Saudi Arabia. The ban was once revoked, but HRS was again banned on December 7, 2018 after the success of the 212th Grand Reunion, “said Chairman of the Indonesian Santri Front.

“The information we received that the ban was a ban on getting out of Saudi Arabia because of safety. HRS never arrived at the airport, tickets were ready to leave Arabia but could not. HRS continues to make efforts to clarify the reasons for blocking. Is there a violation of the existing rules and it turns out the clarification obtained from the Saudi Government is that there is no violation. Blocking is based on requests from parties from HRS countries who want HRS to be banned, “said the son-in-law of HRS, adding that FPI’s attitude in the future refers to the results of Ijtima Ulama IV.

Meanwhile, KH Ahmad Sobri Lubis said that the ban process with the evidence of the banning letter could be seen that the regime’s silence or indifference towards HRS status as an Indonesian citizen was a serious human rights violation.

“Every citizen whoever he is, as long as the citizen is required to get protection. If the handling of national figures such as HRS alone is not serious especially the ordinary people. We do not demand repatriation, buy tickets, pay fines. What we demand is human rights as citizens to be protected. There are serious human rights violations that Indonesian citizens’ human rights are not protected. Until now we have no plans to meet Prabowo, which we demand is only the resolution of human rights issues for HRS, “exclaimed the Chairperson of the Islamic Defenders Front.

Meanwhile, Munarman, who is also the General Secretary of the FPI DPP, said that although HRS could not get out of Saudi Arabia, HRS was still able to do activities and there was no problem with the Saudis or even on the hajj. Regarding the plan to meet the government, first there must be an official statement that there are Indonesian citizens who are experiencing obstacles to return.

“Now it’s as if the government considers there is no problem with HRS. As for the FPI organization, we have always been in communication with HRS. The organization operates according to HRS directives. FPI is not a political party, has no political attitude. We are mass organizations running Marah Nahi Munkar, “he explained.

Then, Slamet Maarif who is also the Chairperson of the 212th Alumni Brotherhood said, if his human rights were fulfilled, his ban was revoked so we could be sure he would attend the 212 Reunion event. “PA 212 is not a political movement but a moral movement. We moved during the Presidential Election because there were the results of the scholars’ agreement. Once the presidential election is over we will return to moving as a moral movement, “he said.

Overstay or blocked?

There are two fundamental questions related to the case experienced by Habib Rizieq Shihab: is it true that the main FPI figure who is also the “main motor” of the 212 Alumni Brotherhood is banned or unable to go home because overstaying is incidentally a violation of immigration? Supposedly, both the Saudi Arabian government such as the Head of Immigration or through the Ambassador of Saudi Arabia in Indonesia together with the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs through the Indonesian Embassy in Saudi Arabia explained to the public in Indonesia, sitting the real problems of this case, so as not to be translated into the issue that there was a criminalization of the ulema and human rights violations against the ulama which could inconvenience the Jokowi-Ma’ruf Amin government.

From various reports in the mass media, in fact the Habib Rizieq Shihab case has not yet become a trending topic in global community talks, even in social media it has not been widely discussed or debated, meaning that Indonesian society and the global community may be “indifferent” to this problem, or assess it is not a serious problem even it is considered that there are no human rights violations.

Actually there is no problem between the Jokowi-Ma’ruf Amin government and HRS, FPI, GNPF Ulama or PA 212, because indeed any government is reluctant to vis a vis or head to head with Islamic power, and Jokowi is very considering this, so it is not true if considered the government negligent or let the HRS case neglected.

As proof that Jokowi’s government is not allergic to PA 212 as stated by the Coordinating Minister for Politics and Security, Mahfud MD that there is no prohibition on PA 212 reunion, and the writer believes if PA 212 invites Jokowi and Prabowo Subianto for example, of course the two national figures will not object to attendance , although the authors predict HRS is less likely to be present, including the masses who attended the event were far less than in previous years.

Listening to Munawarman’s statement, if indeed HRS did not get any security disturbances in Saudi Arabia and could carry out its life and worship activities smoothly in Saudi Arabia, actually it would not be a problem if HRS lived in Saudi Arabia, and there is a possibility of becoming a Saudi citizen if later living there for quite a long time. Maybe this solution is not smart enough to solve this problem, but it is safe enough to be implemented.

*) The author is an observer of Indonesia. Lives in Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam

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