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Abundant Democracy Vs Law Enforcement

Democracy illustration

By: Moch. Irfandi)*

Attention President Joko Widodo to democracy which was considered likely to kebablasan should be our common concern. The cacophony of street demonstrations that recently occurred or spicy blasphemy is increasingly prevalent in social media, if it were taken into consideration that the president has wide powers to “eradicate” it if desired, such as by issuing rules.

Statement by the President Jokowi pretty horrendous. He stated that excessive democracy opportunites extreme political articulation, like liberalism, radicalism, fundamentalism, sectarianism, terrorism and teachings that are contrary to the ideology of Pancasila. Jokowi provide examples of irregularities practice he meant, as the politicization of SARA and mutual cursing and blaspheming, which could tear the country apart.

Predictably, Jokowi referring to the case of Tjahaja Basuki Purnama, incumbent candidate for Jakarta governor. Former Jokowi when serving Jakarta-1 was accused of degrading religion and is currently on trial by the North Jakarta District Court. In social media, supporters and opponents Ahok attacking each other with a variety of harsh sentences.

Freedom of speech is part of democracy. Article 28 of the Constitution of 1945 mentions freedom of association and assembly, issued thoughts with oral and written, and so on, are set by legislation. That is, the constitution does not prohibit the Indonesian people talking. Therefore, the President need not worry particulars of democracy.

If that makes Jokowi worry is excessive in terms of freedom of expression, such as false news alias hoax, the solution is simple. Use the parameters of the Constitution: whether there are irregularities? Is there a rule that was hit?

The President actually knows that the key face of excessive democracy is the rule of law. Therefore, he asked the law enforcement agencies crack down on any violations. Enforcing the law is the right choice rather than spit concerns in public.

Freedom and the rule of law as two sides of a coin in democratic life. Unlimited freedom would cause chaos. Conversely, excessive law enforcement and the government in power with repressive silence the public voice. Therefore, it must spin both wheels together.

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