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Adaptation of New Habits for the New Normal


By: Halimatusadiyyah

For approximately 3 months, we are echoed by demands for social distancing, implementing Large Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB), and home quarantine. This certainly makes people have to do things initially as usual, but is changed to something special in order to prevent the spread of Covid-19.

Covid-19 managed to change the habits that we do everyday both at home, school, work, on the road, even practically wherever we are. We are made as if we are helpless, because our steps are limited by the existence of Covid-19, which makes us unproductive which has an impact on the economic problems of our families, communities, regions and countries.

The government has mobilized the life of the new order but continues to apply applicable health protocols. During the pandemic the Indonesian people were required to live with a new order of life that was able to ‘make peace’ with Covid-19. As for what is meant by new normal is an action or behavior carried out by the community and all institutions in the region to carry out daily patterns or work patterns and new lifestyles that are different from before. If this is not done there will be a risk of transmission, even giving rise to a second wave of the spread of Covid-19.

The goal of the new normal itself is to keep people productive and safe from Covid-19 during the pandemic. For most people, new normal is also synonymous with opening public facilities or offices, offices, industry, schools, and so forth. Such an assumption is not entirely wrong, but it must be kept in mind that new normal still applies health protocols and a number of certain restrictions. This is applied so that people can adapt and move even though the Covid-19 pandemic is not over.

Among the things that must be done during new normal is not far away with the prevention of the corona virus that has been socialized, by keeping hands clean with soap and hand sanitizer as often as possible. Follow the steps of good hand washing, including the back of the hand, the inside, between the fingers, and the tips of the fingers. Use a mask every time you do activities outside or interact with other people. Nevertheless, to avoid transmission of the virus. For healthy people, it is recommended to use non-medical masks or cloth masks.

In order to avoid exposure to the virus, the community must maintain a minimum distance of 1 meter from others. This policy must be implemented during the new normal life, in order to maintain the health of one another. Physical distancing needs to be continued so that people avoid crowds, minimize physical contact with others, and not hold events that invite people.

In addition, we are also encouraged to always maintain health by eating foods that are healthy and nutritious and contain nutrients. Vegetable and fruit intake plays an important role in maintaining a person’s immune stability. However, the most important in warding off various viruses is our own immunity. Indeed, prevention is far better than treatment.

By not underestimating health protocols, new normal becomes an important matter for the creation of community productivity in order to revive community activities which had been hampered. Obviously there is nothing to lose, we as a society to always obey the government’s call in the midst of a critical situation like now.

(Coordinator of the Tangerang Regional Independent Social Media Activists Forum)

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